Things Al Said

Like Al Camus (not that one, the Al Camus that works at Marty’s Bar washing dishes) once said, “sometimes you have to look over your shoulder before you can fail.” And that, my friends, is why I am here today.

Life has been coming at me fast, with B’s last club soccer match ever this past Friday and his high school graduation two days later. And with that has come the expected rollercoaster of emotions. But it’s all good, and Wifey and I are both excited to see where life takes our boy.

Additionally, this blog is on the verge of shitting the bed due to some technical issues going on behind the WordPress scene that may or may not have me forced to redo this entire site (as well as another I built) in the near future. Or chuck the entire shit show of a blog into the river and move on to something less 2005-like, like enjoying the continued collapse of society as we know it while making TikTok dance videos. I digress.


Since the blog, society, and myself are sadly all still here, I figured I might as well make a post and throw a bunch of photos up from the past couple of weeks of woodsy photo creeps. If I’m going to blow a blog up, I’m going to do it with some serious pixel overload!





UPDATE: After spending time in the gym lifting heavy things for no reason, I was able to chat with the eggheads at my host account, and they could see the issue I was having whilst trying to update my PHP and were able to do it on the backend and keep me somewhat modern. I guess the blog lives on. Sorry.

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