In The Write Mood

It’s been over two weeks since I wrote my last post, and the world is still spinning, so I can confirm that my near-daily blatherings and crap photos of my old guy micro-adventures are not what keeps it doing so.

I’d also like to apologize and say that I’m not proud of that last post or of my depressive moods that go up and down like a gahdamn yo-yo when I feel like I have no control over things. That’s something I’ve been working on since I was a kid, and my mom got MS, that only ever got worse as young me looked on powerless to make it better. As you can see, I’m clearly not there yet. I also have a well-learned response to shut down, stew, and convince myself that I’ve been duped by the universe into letting myself be happy, only to have the rug pulled out from under me, leaving me to fall into a pit of despair. Again, I’m not proud of my misanthropic thinking, but as I’ve said before, sadly, this is me, warts and all.

I know that I need to go full-Stoic and focus on how I react rather than what I can’t control, but fuck, man, it’s batshit crazy out there. However, that doesn’t mean I have to share it like some sort of passive-aggressive Facebook Karen. So, once again, I’m committing to keeping this site on brand and stopping the woe-is-me ranting. I try to tell myself  that it helps to write it out, but it really doesn’t. Not to mention, me is not so woe if I allow myself to recognize it.

Moving on.

In the two weeks since my post, I have continued on with the 2024 Lumber Through Hell Tour but have put trail running on the back burner for a bit until the leaves are all down and rotted enough to see the rocks and roots that lie beneath them. I have enough shit wrong with me; I don’t need a fall and more bruising as well. I may do some treadmill running this weekend, but those miles won’t count towards my mileage goals.

Despite not running, I hit my 25-mile goal the last two weeks, as well as made upwards of seven trips to the recycling center to drop off leaves. Cleaning up the fall leaves is one of my least favorite Cul De Sac Shack duties, but after talking to my neighbor and finding out he’s paying $300 (the cheapest of the estimates he got) to have his yard cleaned up, I’ll do that shit all day long if I have to.

Below is a slide show of all the shots I’ve taken (plus a bonus one from B doing his thing at another MSU game) since I last posted. Just click on the image to navigate through them.

It’s a wonderful, cold rainy day here today; I found my will to write again, I’ve completed my 25 miles for the week, and the footy comes on at 3. Time to make sure the fridge is stocked with hoppy goodness and tend to laundry.


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