Lumbers and The Sniffers

Monday was finally a rest day from lumbering and attempts at running, and it gave me a chance to get some much-needed shit done around the CDSS, as well as do the grocery shopping, etc.

With Wifey still on a restricted diet of puréed foods after her surgery last month, I made a pot of  White Bean Rosemary Soup, and she loved it. So much so that she was threatening to eat it for breakfast this morning. I talked her out of it.

With that major culinary win, I’m looking for more things to use my new emersion blender on that aren’t  human orifices. So, later today I plan on making a black bean soup recipe I found. A happy wife and so much Cat 5 culinary winning; Quinquagenarian Sexy Time is a sure thing this coming weekend! But again, I’ve said too much.

On Tuesday, I was up at 6 AM and got the dogs outside and fed. Then I got coffeed up, dumped out, and on the trail well before 8 AM to get an “OK” empty stomach 5.03-mile lumber in my feetz. Then, it was home for some fried eggs (Alton Brown style, sans butter) and a bagel on the recently stained deck [insert happy-ish/proud emoji here] before a shower.

After multiple runs last week (or my sad attempts), I thought it best to stick to lumbering today. Truthfully, I missed the running, and if it wasn’t for the fact I had strapped the Nikon z50 to my pack, I surely would have done so. The high from lumbering is good; the high from trail running is off the charts.

Almost brand new!

I continue to have bad luck on the days I take my camera, and today was no different. I got a pic of a wildflower and a random disregarded single rubber glove within the first mile but I didn’t see another decent photo-op the rest of the lumber. As Wifey would say, “poop.” The others are from last week and I finally downloaded the SD card. You didn’t miss much.

Litter from a woodsy rectal exam?



Amyl and the Sniffers have been around for a few minutes, but despite my love for Australian punk (Civic, The Chats, Mini Skirt, Pist Idiots, Stiff Richards, etc.,) I was a bit put off by their name. And no, it’s not because I think Anal and the Sniffers. Although I guess I just did.

Well, why then?

I’m glad you asked.

Amyl sounds sort of like Emil, and Emil reminds me of the character Emil Muzz from the old movie Dragnet. One time, when I was a kid, I woke up during the middle of the night with a stomach ache and, for some reason, I could NOT stop thinking of the evil Emil Muzz and soon threw up. Now I equate middle-of-the-night vomiting with Emil “Don’t call me Amyl” Muzz.

I’m also pretty sure that Emil was the name of the priest who married Wifey and me. He was a nice guy, but I heard a rumor that years later, he gave an old man a hand job in a personal care facility. Where was he when I was nervous as fuck before my wedding? 

Oddly, I don’t really equate hand jobs with the name Emil. “I sure could use an Emil right now” has probably not been said by anyone. Well, maybe by one old dude in a nursing home.

I digress.

Regardless of my issues with their name, Amyl and the Sniffers showed up randomly after a playlist ended today, and before I knew it, I was plowing through the 2021 release Comfort To Me with the volume up to 11.


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