A New Loop & Improvements

It was nice to return to the Hall’s Lake Natural Area for a hike in the woods on Tuesday, and it did wonders to improve my mood as well as help get my creative juices flowing despite not seeing much to photograph.

I was also eager to get back to running1 on Wednesday and mapped out a new 5-mile on-the-nose course using Mapmyride.com. Apparently, they don’t discriminate against you if don’t plan on riding a bike.

I got a slightly later start than usual, but I still managed to get on dirt by 8 AM. I started by crossing the suspension bridge over the river in the beginning, rather than ending with it, and I was surprised upon cresting the steps to see an elderly man in the middle of it birdwatching with binoculars up to his eyes. I felt bad interrupting him and whispered my apologies as I squeezed by him on the wobbly narrow bridge as if we were doing the tango (I lead, he’s buying me dinner later).

That surely cost me a few seconds, but soon, I was on solid dirt and doing my best to find my pace. Something easier said than done when you’re a lumbering ox rather than an experienced runner, but I managed to get into my run/hike rhythm eventually.

It was an odd sort of run because when I was actually running, I was feeling good and feeling a bit faster than usual, but I felt like I couldn’t sustain it for as long. It was as if as soon as I realized I was doing good, my brain said, “Whoa, big fella, you don’t run!!!”

With my plantar fasciitis feeling MUCH better2, the corn on my pinky toe gone, and my knee close to 100%, I’ve felt like a new person the past few days. I went from hardly being able to walk without pain for a few months to saying “fuck it” and running. Now find myself back to feeling 53 rather than 93. While I’d rather feel 23, I’ll take what I can get.

I liked the new course, and oddly enough, after 2+ years and 2,000+ miles of hiking, lumbering, and running the trails at Deerfield, I had never done this loop. It did indeed come in at 5 miles exactly, and while I don’t have an extensive catalog of runs in my files, compared to other recent 5-mile runs, I shaved 3.5 and 4 minutes off my time.

Lastly, I love my new shoes (The North Face Altamesa 500). I know it’s early days, and I only have 3 runs with them, but so far, they are a perfect combination of cushion and stability. It’s funny; I had never considered Noth Face shoes. I mistakenly only ever thought of North Face gear as stuff white guys wear to get overpriced coffee. My bad, the shoes are legit!

Adding to the dirt collection in Escape II. Phone pic.


Photo Notes: I didn’t take a camera with me today, just my iPhone in my pack which I took the singletrack photo with. The glowing effect you see is from sweat on the phone, NOT from editing (gross). Also, the bird stick was going off this morning, so as I drank coffee and iced my knee post-run, I took a few shots with my z6. Thankfully, I had stopped sweating!

  1. I have made the editorial decision to call these efforts runs. I’m pretty sure anyone looking at my times KNOWS I’m a newbie when it comes to trail running.
  2. My left foot (not the movie) has been a train wreck this summer, and I just assumed it would never feel good again. Wifey gave me a foot massage ball in my bag of birthday goodies back in July, and I finally started using it daily a couple weeks ago, and GAHDAMN; what a difference it has made! It feels amazing to walk without pain!

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