No Sleep & Slow Miles

I was eager for a lumber at Deerfield on Thursday morning and was in bed Wednesday night just as the sun set.

Sadly, I was wide awake about 4 hours later and would remain so for hours before briefly falling asleep and dreaming about legs covered in mosquito bites that I squeezed like pimples and orange centipede-like worms came out. Needless to say, I passed on breakfast. And I almost thought about passing on the hike.

I did not.

Despite a lack of quality sleep, I felt fairly refreshed and once again found myself on dirt at 7:45, ready to get some miles in.

I took my camera, kept my pace purposely chill, and glanced at my watch only when I felt the vibration of a completed mile.

After two nice (for me) running efforts this week, it was nice to slow things down a bit, but I realized quickly that running 5 miles in a hair over an hour on an empty stomach and slowly hiking for 1:45 are two very different beasts; I was ready to eat a raw squirrel by the time I finished!

I guess when I’m running, despite my slow speeds, I’m putting out too much of an effort for my stomach to think about eggs and toast as I’m sweating all over myself and trying not to gag on DEET-flavored phlegm.

I ended the hike (too slow to call it a lumber) with 6.15 miles in my feetz, and now I only need 4.37 miles on Friday to meet my 25-mile goal for the week, which, if I choose, allows me to slack all weekend and enjoy the kickoff of the 24/25 Premier League season.

Sadly, my Spurs (the team I’ve followed for about 13 years) don’t play until Monday, so I have to wait a few more days before uttering phrases out loud like, “We’re so shit! ANGE OUT!” or “They’ll be lucky to make the Europa League again!!” followed immediately by something like, “Looking good! Top 4 is not out of the question!” and “Big Ange rules!!!”

Watching sports makes people morons, and I don’t care. Back to the hike…

I had hoped for better luck with my photos, but at least I didn’t have to rely on shit iPhone pics. Oh well, calories were burned, stress was released, and breakfast was finally had.

That’s all I got; I need to get the hookers and kegs out of the house, do some cleaning, and do the grocery shopping before Wifey gets home from her whirlwind business trip to Baltimore, which should happen before this word puke is scheduled to publish.


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