Aches, Goals, Grooves, and Clutches

As January weeks go, this one has been pretty darn OK-ish so far. I mean, after recent weeks, it really didn’t take much to improve, but I’ll take it.

After Wednesday morning’s lumber, I already have more (outdoor) miles than I did last week (15.33). Now I have to decide if I want to continue with the Winter Contingency Act this week, which, if I get 5 miles in tomorrow, will put me at the required 20-mile minimum, OR plow on and get my normal 25 in?

Both have their advantages; if I keep it at 20, I can give my aching feet, knees, and groin1 a bit of a rest from the demands of hiking in soft, lumpy, unstable, and unpredictable snow. And then maybe get on the treadmill over the weekend if I feel good.

Then again, if I get 25 miles in, it will put me a nugget’s hair over 100 miles for the month, a number I did NOT think I would see this month given the conditions.

So many inconsequential questions to ask that, at the end of the day, will make not one bit of difference to my overall health and fitness or whether the sun comes up tomorrow. But it would be nice to start the year off with 100 outdoor miles, something I failed to do last year (90.95), and that might be a nice way to end the month and say “fuck you” to January.

With my broken lens now replaced with another “new to me” version, I feel like I’m slowly getting back into my photographic groove. Obviously, that is subjective, but I’m at least FEELING like I’m getting my groove back. Now, if I could just get the groove back, that makes me feel like a healthy, fun, vibrant person who enjoys life, wants to be around people, do things, and contribute to society. Oh well, I guess you actually have to have had something before you can get it back.

Two more days, and we can finally be free from January’s cold, dark clutches. Let’s do this!


  1. Yes, my groin hurts. Sort of like the way it hurts after being on skis for the first time in ages. I can’t say I enjoy it, but I’ve had worse issues.

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