Active Slack + Bubble Time

My days of late have been pretty much the same: time on the trainer, some walks in the slush-snow woods with my camera avoiding bullets, some evening beers, and early bedtimes.

Thankfully this weekend had a bit more variety with B back playing footy after a four-week post-high school season break. His club team is taking part in an indoor high school (age) league in the bubble over in Auburn.


Taking quality photos in the bubble is pretty much the hardest thing ever. The light is HHHhorrible; the color has a strange blue tint, and I have to push the D500’s ISO to about 18,000 if I want to freeze any action at all. Grain is the name of the game, so as many others do, I like to process grainy pics in black and white.

I’m not a huge fan of shooting B-Man (or Wifey) in black and white. To me, photographing a ginger in black and white is a mortal sin. Oh well, that sin won’t be my first and probably the least of my worries.

Here is a small sampling of the grainy pics from Saturday night’s matches.

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”68″ display=”basic_thumbnail” number_of_columns=”2″]

It was fun to see B back playing with this club team. They’re a nice group of kids as well as some damn fine soccer players.

I don’t foresee the coming week being much different than the last other than we’ll be driving to WPA for the Thanksgiving holiday. That’s always fun… ish.


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