Chaos and Lumbers

Thursday was a “celebration of me” (does rainbow hand gesture), but on Friday, it was back to reality and a 6-mile lumber through woods whilst hoping for good pics.

My trip to the trails was waylaid when I forgot my watch and had to turn around, all while dodging the tens of asphalt trucks that showed up in the neighborhood to repave our streets unannounced to anyone, including the guy who set the whole damn thing up, resulting in H.O.A. chaos. First-world problems, am I right?

Once to the trails, I wasted little time in getting the six-mile lumber in, getting one or two shots, and meeting my 25-mile weekly mileage goal.

The trip home was even more screwed up since the workers were now removing the top layers of asphalt on the road and right in front of our driveway at the time. There was nowhere for me to park, so I did a U-turn and drove around until I finally decided to park on the road bordering the neighborhood and walk home. Oh well, I burned a few more calories.

Then, I spent the rest of the morning trimming back the wilting plants of the front landscaping for winter and pressure washing the front of the driveway that was covered with sticky asphalt smegma and black dust.

After a late lunch, I finally had an opportunity to walk back to fetch Escape II (Electric Boogaloo) and make a quick run for weekend “provisions.”

Normally, this is where I say something bout how much slack I’m going to unleash in the next two days, and I will, but I think I still want to get out and creep around somewhere with the camera because last weekend, I got pretty pent-up and cranky doing nothing. So, lesson learned.

Now it’s time to refill my cup of coffee and kill some time before venturing onto the front porch to watch the sun come up. Then I can start my Saturday.


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