Crazy From The Heat

I’m back! But sadly, I was never really gone.

The last post was me patting myself on the back for showing modest signs of normal human mental and emotional growth, along with realizing that I needed to give my right foot a break and attempt to recover from some ongoing plantar fasciitis.

So I took a few days off to ice, stretch, and all that shit, and then returned to the trails in earnest this week to quickly realize that my foot was still fucked.

This time, rather than continue to rest as I probably should have, I delved into the world of over-the-counter foot pads and alternative lacing techniques.

Did it help? Sure, a bit, but whether that was the pads, the lacing or me doing what I do best and saying “fuck it” remains to be seen, but either way, I was back out on the trails this week and got 25+ miles of early morning hiking as we entered Michigan’s first real heat wave of summer.

A solid week of tolerable semi-pain-free hiking brought my total miles since September 19th, 2022, to 857.89 miles of woodsy hikes. This leaves me with the daunting task of completing 142+ miles over the next 40 days to hit 1000 miles by my 52nd birthday in July. Oh well, if it happens, great; if not, great. This was never the goal (I still don’t know what is), but I like the idea of it.

I took a bunch of pics of weeds, flowers, and shit blooming in the woods, along with some other stuff. Click through the gallery above if you want.


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