Crushing Lumbers & Carbs

I took Wednesday off from Lumbering to cut the grass of the vast (not really) estate of the Cul-De-Sac-Shack, laundry duty, and my Wednesday appointment with the OG Mindbender.

With that, I was hopeful for good feetz during today’s “run” at Deerfield.

I went over a few different loops in my head but came back to my Standard 5-Mile Run Loop just to keep things simple.

It was a perfect morning and I was off and running by 7:50 AM and eager to get the run done and home for breakfast.

I felt good at the start of the run and was doing my best to lengthen my stride because I noticed that it seemed to have got progressively shorter and slower during recent runs. What’s the use of being six foot one if you are running like you’re five foot two? (No offense, Wifey).

Sorry, but I can’t help myself but compare shit.

The first two miles were great (for me), and I pulled off 11:37 and 11:12 mile times, but mile 3 has a few punchy climbs, and the sandy climb always beats me down. Not this time! I had my best time for that section ever and finally got it under 12 minutes, with an 11:27 time. Opening up my stride was paying off!

My fourth mile would be my slowest, but I still managed to keep it under 12 minutes, and I felt like I still had enough in the tank to increase my speed over the flatter last mile.

Mission accomplished, I ran a 10:37 mile and equaled my best mile time ever.

This was my fastest five-mile run ever, and I couldn’t be more stoked about it, especially since I only started seriously trying to add running to my lumbers in July.

There was much sweat and some mild dry heaving during my post-run stretches, but it felt great to see more progress.

Once home, I iced my knees and my right quad, which got an early wakeup call from my increased stride, and then made coffee and breakfast, which included an extra large, crispy homemade hash brown— one of my faves and so freaking easy to make.

Welcome to the Carbtastic Voyage.

Sadly, the rest of my day was not as interesting and included many errands, chores, and dog care.

I’ve got 8.9 miles to go to meet my 25-mile weekly goal, and IF I feel good in the morning, I might try to do a long lumber somewhere tomorrow and get it done early.

Note: Woodsy photos were taken on Tuesday, breaky is from today.


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