Day Saving Creep

I woke up early Tuesday morning with daylight sneaking through the curtains of the bedroom, a few minutes before my artificial “sun” alarm clock was due to wake me at 6 AM.

Despite the slightly earlier wake-up, I was eager to get the dogs out, get some breakfast in, and plan another ride in lieu of my normal lumbers.

Then things changed.

Wifey needed to be in the actual office on Tuesday instead what has become her “normal” office in what once was the Chamber of Farts 1 and was up soon after me.

As I tended to the post-breakfast kitchen Wifey was out the door, only to encounter a broken spring on the garage door and her Soobie trapped inside. 

After many failed attempts to manually raise the door, we swapped cars and I was left with a broken garage door, a trapped car, and waiting for the repair people to come. All of this before 7:30 AM! Looks like I picked the wrong week to switch to half-caff.

As soon as the garage door repair place opened (not sure why I’m always shocked that such a business exists until I called needing a repair), I was on the phone asking for service.

Luckily, we live right up the road from the place, and the door was fixed and good to go by 9:30 AM. 

Still, I was left with the brand-new Soobie and I didn’t want to be stuffing a dirty bike, a sweaty me, and all that gravel dust into it. I was also running out of time to get my fitness “me time” in and still get the shit done I wanted to get done. So, I opted for a short photo creep around Meridian Park.

Meridian Park is a small riverside county park and natural area that is not too far away from the house. It doesn’t have too many miles of trails, so it’s not usually worth going there for actual Lumbering. 

Most people use the park to walk their dogs and let them shit in the wild for people like me to step in or for easy access to the river for drunken summer floats on the water. I use it for photo creeps due to its proximity to the river, woods, and ponds and the wildlife that comes with it.

I crept around with my Nikon z6 and adapted Sigma 150-600mm lens, got some shots in some unflattering light, and then went home to cut the grass for the 2nd time in less than four days, take shit to the recycling center, make lunch, tend to the dogs, do laundry, and finally end the day watching Champions League football before making dinner.

Tuesday was not the day I envisioned when I woke up, but as days go, I will take it any day over sitting in a cubical doing nothing but pretending to work so as not to get fired even though I actually can’t do any work because there is no work (OK, that was a glimpse into the newspaper industry circa 2009 I didn’t need to remember).

Going to try to get an easy mountain bike ride in on Wednesday on my lumbering trails. 

Big thanks to Tuesday’s photo creep for salvaging the day.


  1. The bedroom I was often banished to due to my seemingly endless supply of nighttime flatulence, which has been Wifey’s office since March of 2020.

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