Finding My Way Back Again

I’ve tried several times to write a stupid post about getting back on the trails for a few lumbers this week as I ease my hurtin’ feetz and knee back into bigger weeks, but it seems pretty pointless.

Earlier this week, I got a message from my brother to tell me that some tests my father had after a recent surgical procedure came back positive, and further, more intense treatment is necessary.

I don’t want to violate any father/son HIPPA regulations, so I’ll just say the news threw me a bit more than I thought, and I soon found myself going down a rabbit hole of beer, Euro 24 replays, and loud music to try to take my mind off of it.

Sadly, it also took my mind off eating dinner, and I went to bed with a belly full of IPAs and a head full of goofy song lyrics. That was fine until I woke up at 6 AM Friday morning feeling like a shat fart.

There was much regret. However, I’m not going to say I won’t do it again, because I’m sure I will, so let’s not be stupid.

Given my stomach felt like what a frat party bathroom smells like at 6 AM, I opted to take care of the dogs and go back to bed (twice) before finally getting my shit together for my Cul De Sac Shackian duties by 9.

With regret from the night before on my mind and Wifey still on the mends from her stomach surgery a few weeks ago and not on solid food yet, we had a VERY subdued 27th wedding anniversary on Friday. A happy one, but subdued.

As promised, I was up and on the trails by 8 AM on Saturday to bang out another 5-mile loop in the humid woods. With that, I should hit 20 miles this week, which is still a full 10 miles off my normal 30-mile weekly total, but I have to force myself to not bite off more than my fat mouth can chew , and end up a gimp (again).

This has been a week of some bad news, my first pseudo-hangover in years, a rather peaceful wedding anniversary on Thursday, and a birthday on Sunday (if I make it) in which I somehow turn 53 years old despite having the brain of a deranged 12-year-old in need of an Adderall enema.

Lola is finally not scared of the re-stained deck. (iPhone pic)

Hoping for some normality next week and getting closer to my 30-mile goal again. Let’s aim for 25 miles, good feet, and photos that don’t suck!


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