Good Enough is Good Enough

Wednesday’s “runber” was a mild success for me (I don’t run), but it came with a painful cost, and that meant skipping a lumber/run altogether on Thursday to concentrate on mowing the lawn and a variety of other tasks about the Cul De Sac Shack that required functioning feet.

Later that afternoon and evening, I did almost every sort of icing, heating, stretching, rolling, and massaging imaginable, as well as enjoyed/drank/took a variety of legal painkillers to ease the discomfort of my left foot’s ongoing plantar fasciitis with little success other than taking my mind off of it. Good enough.

Despite that, my foot was tolerable Friday morning, and I was on the trails at 7:35 AM, eager to eat into the last 10-ish miles needed this week.

As I lumbered along, I got the itch to start running, but after about twenty strides, my foot said, “HELL NO!” and I settled into a bearable lumber for the next few miles.

After about 3 miles, I saw an older woman who frequents the park often on one of the main trails, and after I said hello and lumbered past her, I felt odd trying to “out walk” someone, so to make us both more comfortable, I ran for a bit until I was out of reach and free to sweat, gag, fart, cuss, and almost shit myself as much as I please.

I must have been warmed up enough because running that stretch wasn’t nearly as bad, so for the rest of the lumber, I alternated with running, if for no other reason than to get out of the humid woods and home for some breakfast.

In the end, I got 6.06 miles in, and now my abbreviated (for now) goal of 25 miles lumbered and run this week is less than 5 miles in reach. It’s been a week of highs and lows, but sometimes good enough, is just enough. Know what I mean?

Other than the foot pain, it was good to get 6 miles in again; it had been a while. The only additional bad thing was the slightly thicker socks that I usually wear with my New Balance shoes, I mistakenly wore with my Speedgoat 5s today, and the combination of a thicker sock and sand getting in my shoes resulted in a blister on my heel. Thankfully it’s not too bad and should be dried up or at least good enough to just tape over tomorrow.


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