Knees, Gods, & Idiots

In recent weeks, I have evolved into skipping breakfast before my lumbers, relying solely on a big mug of coffee to fuel me, and saving actual breakfast for after.

I think it started during a heat wave a few weeks ago that had me trying to get into the woods as early as possible and sort of stuck. Additionally, there’s less chance that I have to make one of my patented Soiled Woodsy Dumps® because there’s not much in my gut.

I realized after I typed those two paragraphs that they have little to nothing to do with this post. But I really don’t want to waste good poop talk, so I’m leaving it. Sorry.

Anyway, I was pretty hammered last night (not drunk, tired) from the morning’s Runbering efforts and life, and I found myself in bed before 9 PM with the sun still up. Pretty normal for me, but damn, I was tired.

I slept like a rock and was up at 6 AM to do what I do and not do (see first two paragraphs) before grabbing my gear, taking off for Deerfield, and getting on the trails around 7:50 AM.

The whole time this process was happening, there was one thing in the back of my mind; my knee barely hurt.


I TRIED, I really did, but it was hard not to notice that the pain on the inside of my knee that has plagued me since I finished the deck (decking injury, it’s just part of the job, you know) was hardly noticeable.

“Ah, it’ll come when I start hiking; you can’t fool me!” I thought as I hurled Escape II down the road.

But it didn’t. A slight little pain here and there, but nothing like the stuff that forced me to start running in an attempt to SMASH the pain out of me.

Was it my fastest lumber ever? Nope.

Did I miss running? Yep.

Am I stoked that the pain has at subsided enough to let me think maybe, just MAYBE, it is/was just something I jacked up while working on the deck and not a fucked meniscus? Absolutely!!!

Do I fear that the pain will return and Friday’s planned “run” will be ruined? OF COURSE!!

For now, I’m going to keep doing what I’ve been doing, and if the pain comes back, it comes back. I know running doesn’t seem to hurt it, and at this point, I almost have to give a little shout of thanks to the Greek god Articulatio for allowing me at least ONE pain-free lumber with my camera this week and for showing me that I was wrong to think I can’t trail run. All I have to keep working at it, and not push too hard, too soon.

If the pain stays away (and I hadn’t made him up), I might even be tempted to “pour out a 40” of olive oil in honor of Articulatio.

I need 9.75 miles over the next three days to meet my abbreviated for recovery goal of 25 miles this week. I’m pretty sure I got this.



I’m going to keep things “Down Under” with two very different songs by Pist Idiots.

This might be one of my fave band promo shots ever.

The song Chant This has been in my rotation for a few years now and I fully admit that along with digging the song, I also love the chorus of “CHANT THIS!!” because it reminds me of the late Ray Liotta yelling “CHANTIX,” and thus I drive Wifey myself nuts buy yelling it around the house in my best worst Ray Liotta voice.

Try it out on your person of interest.

The second song is from the LP Idiocracy (not affiliated with the movie of the same name or the current condition of the U.S.of-it’s-been-a-good-run-A.) is She Yells Jack.

I don’t know what it is about this song, but it hits me right in the gut. I’m not ashamed to admit that a few weeks ago, as I drove to the trailhead for my morning lumber, She Yells Jack came on and I was literally blubbering like a baby with tears running down my face as I pulled into the parking lot. And I don’t know why! There’s just something about this song that hits me like that. Art be like that, and that’s what makes it amazing.

She’s got a new haircut, I wonder if she’s got that old boyfriend
Who knows if things went differently, for a little that could’ve been me.”

Such an legit song.

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