Last June, First July

They often say, writing a blog post is like that about-to-be outdated meat in the back of the fridge (pooling blood water on the shelf, optional); you want to eat it before it goes full-rancid, but your brain is telling you it already is, so you shamefully, and Imodium-free for the immediate future, dump it down the In-Sinker-Ator and let it go to wherever the hell rancid, and potentially rancid meats dumped down drains go; I’m assuming Florida. I digress.

I really don’t know what any of that means; I wrote it just just before I went to bed on Saturday night. So, I’ll start again and say I went out hard at the beginning of last week and did 18 miles of lumbering (hiking at speed) in 3 days before taking Thursday off to finally let my lungs rest from the smoke blowing down from Canada and mow the grass of the vast (not really) estate of the Cul-De-Sac-Shack.

Friday’s hike was pushed back until the steamy late morning due to some medical shit I had to do (nothing like the feeling of KY on your belly in the morning), and my mind was not into woodsy walking, but onward I went into the reportedly poor air, heat, and humidity to crank out some miles towards the 2023 Soil The Woods Tour.

Friday was not all that enjoyable, but it left me with only needing about 2.5 miles to get my 25-mile weekly goal in, so I got up at the ass crack of dawn on Saturday, coffeed up, dumped out, and got in the woods before it was too hot and before any weekenders showed up at the park.

I went over my goal, took some photos, and was home by 9 AM to whip up some eggs, fake sausage, and homemade hashbrowns1 for Wifey and myself.

MID-POST NOTE TO EXPLAIN WHAT YOU JUST SAW: Besides the ability to see small bugs crawling along the forest floor as I hike, it seems I also have the talent for finding random meats. While this isn’t as good as the vacuum-packed rack of raw ribs, I saw along Baseline Road while riding years ago, random meat/body parts on a picnic table along the river is still a pretty good find. I suppose this is what spawned the opening paragraph on meat.

With all that jive done this week, I’m ready to do nothing on Sunday but write this dross, drink coffee, make food, clean, do laundry, drink beer, soak my aching heel, and listen to music before heading back into the woods on Monday as I close in on 1,000 miles lumbered since September 19th, 20222 (39 miles to go!!!), hopefully before my 52nd birthday in mid-July.

All pics are photos and snapshots from the week’s lumbers, except for the photo of my go-to pasta dish for over 25 years.


  1. Shout out to Sam The Cooking Guy, who dropped some hashbrown knowledge on me during his Taco Bell Crunch Wrap episode. Although I admit, I omit any butter.
  2. Also known as the day I crawled out of the Bed of Torment, laced up some hikers, and headed into the woods.

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