More Bunny Tales

Over the past couple of years, I have had a couple posts about rabbits.

There was the time I accidentally hit one with my car as I drove to the trails to lumber and, ironically, attempt to take photos of wildlife. That one hit hard.

Then, last summer, there were three baby bunnies, alone, snuggled up in a small hole in the backyard, that I had to safely remove before mowing the grass and then saw them reunite with Mama Bunny before bed that night.

Now I have another one.

Wednesday morning, when I let Lola out to do her thing in the 6 AM darkness, she immediately saw a bunny in the yard, barked, pretended like she wasn’t fat as hell (yes, I’m fat shaming my dog, who I feed, so it’s my fault, so I’m actually fat shaming me. Which I should because I’m fat as hell) took off after it, and five feet later, she was spent and squatting the squat in her squat-spot.

Fast forward about 90 minutes later, and I’m making the right turn out of our neighborhood onto the main road, and I saw a flattened bunny on the road that was not there the day before, and my heart sank.

In my head, all I could think was that this was the same bunny from this morning. A thought that was both very possible and yet unlikely given our proximity to both woods to the south and and a farm field to the west, but still, I was sad, and it took a few minutes to get the thoughts of the poor bunny running to escape the fatty jowls of Lola only to be hit by a car out of my head.

Sadly, I would see the deceased rabbit a few more times through the day as I ran errands and was less than thrilled with each passing.

Later that evening, just as the sun was setting, I was out on the back deck, getting some fresh air. As I looked around at the heaps of melting snow, dog feecus, and mud in the yard, my internal compass kicked in, and I realized that the direction the bunny took off from Lola was direct to the south, and the flattened bunny was to the northwest. While it COULD be the same bunny, the chance that it was from Lola’s brief chase was unlikely.

Then, as if a sign from Ma Nature to stop worrying about her rabbits and go the hell inside and make dinner, I saw a bunny making its way across the yard, stopping every so often to take a nibble of dead grass and look around for slobbering bulldogs to taunt Bugs Bunny style with its agility and speed.

The same bunny? Only the bunny knows that, but I felt at peace with the morning’s “chase” and the dearly departed on the road just to my north.

I dig the bunnies, and I’m glad to share the neighborhood with them. Stay safe out there, rabbits.

In non-bunny news, at 6 AM this morning, the temps were already up to 35˚, so the chances of another day of lumbering on frozen trails were 0. That meant another ride on the magic Whoosh machine in the basement.

I once again headed to the land of the cross and great beer, Belgium, and the Kluisbergen course. Kluisbergen was the first Whoosh ride I did in 2025, back on January 31st. I was happy to see that after riding over 106 miles since then, I’ve bested that time by 4:13. Feel the burn.

Riding the trainer is no lumber, and I sure miss taking photos, but it is taking my mind off The Great American Shit Show and the want to put myself into a 4-year coma with an option to extend. It’s also helping me burn some calories before warmer weather arrives and I hit the lake in my BashfulBodz™ swimsuit [insert cat call whistle here].

Weeks Totals Thus Far

Lumbering: 5.16 miles
Indoor Riding: 40.38


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