Last week, I was able to hit my abbreviated winter 20-mile goal in four days, and then I once again proclaimed that the next three days would be spent alternating between time in the basement on the trainer/treadmill and the appropriate amount of recovery slack. One day out of three ain’t bad.
Friday, I had a good Whoosh session (the 12.5-mile Mt. Grizzly ride) and was pretty stoked with the way I felt on the bike. Hooray for me.
My plan was to do the same on Saturday. And just like I did last Saturday, I succumbed to my comfy chair and a day filled with FA Crap football. There was much shaming.
On Sunday, I didn’t even entertain the idea of riding or running on the treadmill. We got about 4″ of snow overnight, which needed to be shoveled, and then I had to get my mind wrapped around the idea that we were going out for a late lunch in the afternoon. These days going out to eat is something I do NOT enjoy, but we were going out with B to celebrate his 21st birthday (a day early), so that changed everything.

B working the sound during a recent film project. (photo cred unknown)
It was awesome to see B, give him a hug, catch up on things, and celebrate his birthday. Weird to think that we have NO idea where he’ll be this time next year! He graduates in May, then is off to England for one final class, and then, who knows what!! (Takes a deep breath, tries not to think of the future).
When Monday morning came, I was eager to get back in the woods to lumber. I could tell I must have needed the 3 days off from the snow and cold because I had a spring in my step as I gathered my gear, unlike my final hike last Thursday when I moved with all the pep of someone heading to the electric chair.
I knew it was going to be cold, but as I hurled myself down the road in Escape II, I did not expect to see the thermometer fluctuating between -2˚ and 3˚. It was at that point I realized I failed to bring my snood. Damn.
The parking lot was empty except for the Soobie belonging to The Two Aging Hippies and their dog, whom I passed as I crossed the bridge heading into the woods, my face already feeling the effects of the bitter cold.
After a mile or so, I started to warm up and was able to ditch the big gloves for a pair that was a little more camera-friendly. Sadly, by this point, the bitter cold had already drained most of my battery, and there would be very few photos from the day.
Saturday night’s snow didn’t hurt the trails too much, and I was able to get by with micro-spikes and trekking poles for added stability.
I finished the lumber with 5.25 miles in my feetz and a smile on my frigid face. I raised Escape II’s trunk and sat on the bumper while taking off my spikes. I had that awesome feeling of having just completed outdoor exercise in the snow and cold. I reached up and touched my face with my gloveless hand, and my numb cheeks felt cold and rough like frozen leather to my fingers.
I then sat there in the empty lot, looking out at the frozen river in the nearby cove as large snowflakes fell to the ground as if in slow motion. I could have sat there for hours, just taking it in, listening, and hearing nothing as the flakes hit the ground. Sadly, life happens, and I needed to get home to tend to stuff.
After getting home and looking at my Garmin files, it looked like by the time I was on the trails, the temps had warmed up to a stifling 5˚. No wonder I was able to ditch my big gloves.
Hoping for more miles on Tuesday and a camera battery that can hold its charge.