Random Soilage Again

Ready to have your socks blown off with another volume of soiled randomness?


Well, too bad.

May The 4th Be With You

I had a dentist’s appointment last Monday for a cleaning. Normally ho-hum stuff, but my hygenist was a hoot! Maybe a year or two older than me and a self-confessed Star Wars nerd. 

As she cleaned, I was her attentive, although captive, audience; she told me about the May The 4th Star Wars party she was going to the coming weekend, what her costume was, what her reluctant-to-go husband’s costume was, and how not to be fooled into buying regular old Halloween-type Star Wars costumes, “you gotta shop for the cosplay stuff, or it’s garbage!” she said enthusiastically.

I could only reply with grunts, gags, and catapulted saliva from my frenulum; it was the most entertained I’ve ever been at the dentist, save for the time my dentist was softly singing along to Marin Gaye’s Sexual Healing on the piped-in music as he and his assistant worked on my teeth. OK, that was more creepy than brilliant. Then again, that was 20 years ago or so, and I’m still talking about it, so maybe it was brilliant.

I’m not even a big Star Wars person, but I have to admit that I’m intrigued by the idea of a Star Wars Cantina party; the people watching would be off the charts! 

I also admit that the words Star, Wars, and Cosplay also get my pervy wheels turning for future late-night, who are we kidding, pre-7 PM activities with Wifey. I picked up a sweet Han Solo costume, and I’m dying to try it out. I just can’t figure out why there are no ass cheeks in the pants, seems strange.

I Am The Lumbergoat 

This was the first week with my Hoka Speedgoat 5 trail running lumbering shoes.

The shoes felt great over this week’s 25 miles and are much lighter than my hikers! Switching to the Speedgoats almost makes me feel like I “graduated” to better shoes, sort of like upgrading from a towny bike to a legit road bike.

Proud Dad Moment of The Week

After Monday’s hike, I got a text from B saying that his latest creation for the MSU Instagram page was live.

The clip is a Wes Anderson-inspired clip showcasing the MSU libraries during finals week.

I don’t know the exact reasons; I guess there’s some social media trend where people try to copy the Wes Anderson vibe. However, what I do know is that B (and myself) are huge fans of Anderson’s movies, and B knocked this one out of the park! It was a great way to end the semester and his first year interning for the MSU media department. I could not be more proud of him and he got some great feedback from staff and students alike.

B will continue interning in the department remotely and in person over the summer and will have the opportunity to work on a few larger projects with the team that got away from them during the chaotic winter and early spring.

Family Faces and Fingernails


On Tuesday morning, I was back at the dentist to have a cracked filling repaired that was noticed during my cleaning. I was one of the first patients of the morning and sat alone in the waiting room when an elderly couple, roughly 115 years old each, walked in wearing COVID masks that featured a sublimated photo of their entire family. It was odd to look someone in the face and see 25+ people of various ages staring back at you. It was like their faces were made of a family reunion!

The dude was not done yet, though. 

As he sat down, I noticed his Birkenstocks, which he wore with dress socks circa 1958 that were ultra sheer and featured a vintage design pattern. It was quite a look, and I admit I admired his bold fashion choice.

As I sat there, dividing my attention between the Weather Channel on the TV and the old man’s socks, he started to clip his fingernails with a nail clipper he kept around his neck on a lanyard for quick access whenever a semi-hygienic waiting room made itself available to contaminate with this Gandalf nails. 

The whole scene was brilliant, and I got my tooth fixed. Of course, my face was numb for 4 hours and I spent the morning slobbering all over myself, but it’s fixed.

Wrap This Shit Up Already, Won’t You

Hoping for healthy feet and good conditions this week because I need to make sure I get my total miles up in before a couple days off for a mid-month colonoscopy and the pre-pipe cleaning that comes with the joyous occasion. 

Unrelated photos in this post were taken over the past week. Spring means the critters are out and I couldn’t be happier.



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