Savoring It


I mentioned in a post earlier this week that we had some absolutely crap and freezing weather here last weekend. Until last weekend, I had never seen snow in May in my entire life…EVER. All that seems to be frozen, E. coli riddled water under the bridge right now, as the past three days have been a springtime enema of perfect 65˚ temps, bright sunshine, calm winds, and blue sky. So, as busy as I’ve been with some projects, I’ve been making sure to squeeze some ride time in.

Wednesday, I had a bit more time so I was able to get one of my standard 35 mile northern loops in, and Thursday I did a quick Better Than The Trainer Ride™ before heading home to spend an hour and a half mowing the grass at the new crib and heading over to the old one to mow its grass before the Open House our realtor has scheduled for Sunday.


It wasn’t until I was finished with the second lawn that I realized that despite the brevity of the rides, three days of riding and three days of sun burn has a way of making my older than its 44 years body ready to just sit in a comfy chair with a beer bottle of gin and a remote, flipping through the stations complaining how there’s nothing on worth watching. It also has me savoring every one of those sun filled miles I rode, every endorphin released, every minute I slept like a baby, and ready to do it again, even if certain body parts will give me grief.







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