Staying In My Lane

After taking Sunday off to rest and goof off, I was eager to get back into the woods for some lumbering this week. Sadly, it would be delayed due to an early morning appointment with my eye doctor that took way longer than expected. With that, my return to the woods would have to wait until Tuesday while I took care of some much-needed chores around the Cul De Sac Shack. That was my first mistake.

It was a beautiful day, and I was happy to be outside, even if the first item of business was trimming two large bushes on the side of the house. I trimmed, gathered, and hauled the trimmings down to the recycling center in Escape II—easy peasy, very much in my comfort zone.

Next up was to start attacking the back deck in need of stripping and a new coat of stain. The stripping part is very much NOT in my comfort zone, but given the amount of YouTube videos of watched recently, I was fairly confident.

Now, after two afternoons and several hundred dollars spent on supplies and gear, I have successfully stripped a section of the deck about the size of my leg. FAIL.


I should have known better; I was way out of my lane with the project. Stick to the things you know, J; taking photos, cooking food, writing unfunny dross, grocery shopping, laundry, the occasional coat of paint on a wall, and my normal landscaping.

I was not born with the man-genes nor intelligence for a project like this. Do you need a full homemade meal shopped for and prepared to be enjoyed on said deck and photos taken to document the evening? If so, I’m your man. Or a reasonable facsimile of one.

I thought spending a little bit of money in lieu of a thousand or more to have it done professionally would be the wise thing to do, given that we’re in the midst of paying for college. Sadly, I’ve now spent about 1/3 of what a pro would have charged, only to have made no real progress, but now left with some random bare spots that I need to stain, or the wood will rot. Shit.


The only thing that saved the week so far was getting out for 5-mile lumbers and picture-takin’ on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. My feet are feeling pretty OK, but of course, I now have other issues to deal with due to now being an injury riddle buffoon. Shit.

Pics on Tuesday were taken with the Nikon z50, and Wednesday’s photos (the last two) were taken with the Fuji x70.


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