The Art of Polishing Excrement

3.61 miles were all that stood between me and hitting my 25-mile weekly goal in four days, and I was intent on not doing much more than was required today.

I felt well enough during the morning’s lumber/run and THOUGHT I was pushing the pace a bit, given that I was only doing a short loop, but it turns out I was not.

However, sometimes you gotta polish a turd, and that’s what I’m about to do. Because while I was a smidge slower today, I still managed an 11:49 average mile pace, and that is only SIX seconds off my best pace—EVER!

Add in the fact that I DON’T RUN, I’ve only ever averaged a sub-12 minute pace twice before, and they were both this week; I really don’t think this turd needs polished at all, it’s gleaming! Well, at least to my 53-year-old eyes.

Given that the “run” was so short, I, of course, hoped for a faster time, but given that I ran my first steps in anger1 just over a month ago, and learned to dig running, I’m going to show some patience and give myself a break.

Patience, Jason, patience. – Grandma Helen

Once home was out of my sweaty clothes, into some dry clothes, and on the deck for a few minutes to ice various body parts and drink some coffee before breakfast and officially starting my day.

Homemade hash brown instead of diced, toast instead of bagel. Who says I don’t mix things up.  #Cat5Cooking

With the weekend free to slack and goof off, I hope to get out for some photo-creeping because while I am indeed enjoying my time on feetz running, my photography habit has taken a hit.



I’ve been championing the band Do Nothing for a few years now, and I’ve been on a real bender with them this week. So, if I can’t stop listening to them, I insist that you give up your ear holes to them as well.

Here are two of my favorite tracks from this week’s rotation:

I absolutely love the crooning swagger of vocalist Chris Bailey, and when he hits the falsettos on the track Fits, I go off (in a good way).


  1. Note: I’ve flirted with running off and on for the past two years, but it never stuck, and I always seemed to hurt myself. This time, I’m taking my time and remembering that I am not 30 anymore.

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