The Few Miles Before Rest

I only needed just 2.75 miles to hit my 25-mile goal for the week, so with no club football on,1Wifey and I went out to the Hall’s Lake Nature Preserve to stomp a few low-key miles.

It was a beautiful, crisp, cool, sunny day, and we saw some deer from a distance, heard some birds, and saw plenty of mushrooms out shroomin’.

I don’t do much hiking (or anything at all) with other people, so it was nice to have one of my two favorite people along with me to listen to me mansplain what birds we were hearing (probably wrong) and how we got where we did my taking this trail instead of that one (would have been easier to take that one).

Lucky for her, we only hiked around for 3 miles and then went home, where I did (see, I got to it) find some club football to watch until Ireland and England played at noon.

Not sure what Rest Day Sunday has in store, but probably outdoor chores and watching more International footy while enjoying beverages and listening to music. Or perhaps I’ll do my Almost Guaranteed To Work Some of The Time Dance of Seduction™ on Wifey, only this time not throw my back out. To be fair, the last time, I was in new stiletto-heeled cowboy boots, so I only had myself to blame.

All photos were taken with the Fuji x70.


  1. LIES! LIES! You watched EFL League 1, tell it right!

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