Thirty Again

It finally happened! I finally got some pain-free mojo back and completed my first 30+ mile week since late April.

Sure, it took six hikes rather than five; I still have a little bit of lingering metatarsal pain in my right foot, and 3 out of 5 hikes required emergency projectile pit stops to avoid the soiling of my breathable gutchies (morning coffee be hittin’ my old man intestines hard). Still, I did it, and it feels great to be back to almost normal.

Picture taking was hit or miss this week, with some days gifting me a memory card full of critters while other days I struggled to find anything at all.

With my 31.5 miles in my feetz, I’m taking Sunday to goof off and rest. Sadly, there is no football worth watching; the weather is dank and grey, and I’ve completed nearly all of my Cul De Sac Shack duties for the week, so it could get really boring really fast.



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