Archive | Outdoors

Macro Monday & More

Sunday was another perfect summer day for being outside, and I had a woodsy walk with a camera (or two) on my mind.

My original plan was just to hit one of my usual locations, but at the last minute, I decided to go to the Forest Hill Nature Area just outside of Alma.

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Adulting, Colts, N’at

As the last week of being Not Really Quarantined winds down (for now), and most shit opens back up (except my goddamn barber!) this coming Monday, my week was filled with adulting. My outdoor activities were limited to a quick ride on Monday morning, a short walk around the Sylvan Solace with my camera for an hour on Wednesday (while getting eaten alive by mosquitos), and a 25-mile dirt road ride on Saturday afternoon.

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Earth Day & Sighs


Happy Earth Day!!!!

I never thought much of Earth Day, it was just sort of there. All I knew is that it was one of those days that right-wing republican types thought was a communist plot to bring down capitalism (I wish it was), and religious nut jobs thought was a day of celebrating witchcraft and worshiping pagan gods while smoking weed (Again, I wish it was). And since I spend my life trying to forget that I’m actually related to people who think that way, I just filed it away under things I support but wasn’t permitted to talk about at the family dinner table. Because that is where I would hear such ridiculous claims as “There is no global warming, or “climate change” as they call it now. The earth wobbles and tilts.” Umm… OK… What does that even mean, and what’s your point? It wobbles, tilts, AND the icecaps are melting, the sea is rising, animals are dying, the earth is burning, and man is killing it in the name of the almighty dollar. Sigh.

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Misses and Hits


I was motivated, well, at least as motivated as I can get during Pandemic-A-Go-Go 2020, to get myself over to Meridian Park on Thursday to continue my stalking of one of the resident bald eagles. I know where it hangs, and I was ready with my big ass 600mm lens.

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On The Outside


Another weekend of Pandemic-A-Go-Go-ing is in the books. That Go-Go-ing offered little of anything other than a short ride on Saturday, a brief escape to the woods with my camera on Sunday, and more attempts to forget what modern life has become via spirits made in Cameron Bridge.

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