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Vintage Motor Paced Racing


Apparently motor-paced racing was all the rage back in the early 20th century. I’ve seen a few photos from races here and there, but this one has to be one of my favorites. I’m not sure which subject I find more interesting and/or odd; the 10-year-old kid in his underwear, racing a bike with 14 inch wheels or the steely eyed, leather clad, Oliver Hardy looking motorcyclist who appears to be on his way to a Judas Priest concert as he straddles the fuselage like it’s a giant, metal phallus.

It’s been said that racers could get up to 60 miles per hour, I’m not sure how fast this little dude was going, but I am certain he would have kicked my ass.

Now cue up the song below and imagine Oliver singing it.

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He Did It, Not Me


There are days when I do “stuff” and days when I don’t. Then there are days that I don’t do anything but my freaking nine-year old son says “Dad, I’m bored and haven’t had soccer in a week, can I get on the treadmill to get some running in?”  Then there are days that I don’t do anything, but my nine-year old gets on the treadmill and proceeds to run two miles at speeds of 4 to 6 mph, while I fold clothes, and notice that he didn’t break a sweat ’till he started mile two, and at times was having a full conversation with me while he ran.

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Other Things


After two days of muddy dirt roads I had no desire to get back on them today. I thought about going to MMCC to ride but I’m a bit burned out on those trails and then got caught up in some stuff. By “stuff” I of course mean that I wasted my morning watching three Premiere League matches and lost motivation to ride. If I would have rode, it would have been a quick one and it would looked a bit like the piss-poor photo above and its lagging shutter speed.

I did get on the treadmill for 50 minutes of walking/running/semi-sprinting/belly flopping/bag slapping. Running is getting SLIGHTLY easier and I am hoping to take that shit show outside in the coming weeks (under the cover of darkness of course). Still more work to do though.

Cannibal Juice


Pseudo hashtag-a-go-go: eddy, cannibal juice, pipes, chops, burns, legend, mineral water chug contest, sponsor gawker, eddy don’t use no hashtags, no photo of post-chug cannibal belch

Photo originally found at
Monkeyed with by me to get vintage newspaper feel I wanted.
Beverage provided by Perrier

Soon Enough

It’s only mid-October, but with the leaves falling, you can’t help but think that the snows will be here soon enough. Time to yet again formulate a winter time survival plan for fitness and sanity… and to look at photos of cyclists who are way tougher than I was or will ever be.65girosnow

Audio: J.D. Wilkes & The Dirt Daubers


J.D. Wilkes & The Dirt Daubers (formerly The Dirt Daubers) are quickly becoming the number band on the imaginary soundtrack in my head during dirt road rides. At one time it was the sounds of Hank III that country-fried my brain and filled it with images of the critters, farms, landscapes and undercover back road meth labs of rural Michigan, but Hank is on the back burner now, replaced by J.D. and his Daubers.

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Today I enjoyed the last of my miles on the Superfly 100. During my time with the bike I got close to 65 miles on it and I am pretty impressed, but it’s time to say goodbye and get it back to my friend Mike tomorrow. I should probably take him a sixer or something to say thanks for the good times.

The pic above is of a short, smooth sandy section up at MMCC. It’s one of the few places that you can ease up and take in a bottle easily. From the amount of tire tracks it looks like lots of folks have been taking advantage of the sweet fall weather we have been having.

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Foggy Memory

IMG_0385_B2The photos in this post are from a road ride I did in the early spring of 2013. It was a chilly 42 degree morning; damp, foggy and of course had a bone chilling, Michigan breeze that contained scents of moldy corn husks, mud and manure. Continue Reading →

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