I Blame Myself


I am truly sorry Michigan, It’s all my fault.  I went to western Pennsylvania and being the schleprock that I am, I brought the rain and sunless sky back with me.

Most of my Tuesday was spent working in the shop. Working in the shop with my friends is swell, as is realizing that it’s pissing down rain outside and I’m not missing out on any saddle time. But a rainy day also makes for a slow day in the bike shop and in between brief bursts of business –and getting hit in the face with giant rubber bands (thank you very much Terry)–I stared out the door and realized that the recent rains were mostly likely my fault [cue Catholic guilt]. OK, I know that doesn’t make sense, but that’s how I felt god damn it!

I also looked out at what will most likely be my race rig in the coming years…


The fine steed above was pedaled to the shop by one our customers who appeared to be between the ages of ninety and one hundred and ten years old and sported rain-soaked jeans and flannel as well as the faint scent of cheap whiskey on his breath. I asked him if ever took the trike off of any sweet jumps; there was no reply.

During one of my trips to the dumpster (to dump), I caught site of a Volkswagen truck. I think I’ve seen more VW trucks since moving to Michigan than I had in the previous twenty years of my life. This one in particular was sweet due to the addition of the trunk/cab/camper thing-o-ma-jig on bed.


There’s something a bout a VW truck that I love. I think it reminds me of my youth and a time of BMX bikes, the smell of Orange Julius (and vomit ) at the mall and seeing the life guard clear the pool to fish out a turd at the local (long since closed) public pool out the road from my house as Steve Miller played over the PA speakers. Good times… good times…

I also tried to deal with what I thought was a zit/boil that formed on my pubis area in recent days. Not sure if it’s from riding or from my meticulous manscaping that has said area looking like a cross between a porn star and a twelve-year-old boy. In any event, my “dealing with it” involved a large sewing needle and did nothing more than make it worse. I’ll give it a month and a chance to get infected, then ask my doctor about it. That will also give my chamois bush time to grow in a bit so as not to look like a creepy, muffin-topped porn star when the doctor examines me and my boiled pubis.

The weather looks to be improving over the coming days and also looks to get HOT! HOT! HOT! as well. I believe Saturday’s temps are to be in the 90˚ range. Which if you live in Michigan has a heat index of 451˚ and means that folks all over Michigan will be lying in the streets like melted candles. All except for my friend and coworker Chris who will be racing at Ithaca for way too long in way too much heat!

Back to the shop on Wednesday before two days off two fuck about and try to get some rides in.


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