Mental Enemas

Early parts of this week brought shit weather that included steady cold rains that made the dirt and gravel roads even more of a quagmire than they already were. This caused me to retreat to the Not So Stankment and time on the dreadmill and/or to The Chamber of Farts to climb under the covers and wish myself somewhere else.

Things finally started to break weather-wise and mentally on Thursday but a mid-day appointment made a ride outside difficult to fit in, so with that I spent more time pedaling nowhere fast with an eye towards Friday and the weekend for time outside.

Finally, Friday arrived and I finally felt the want to climb out from under the covers and get my ass outside. The temps were going to be close to 50˚ and I was eager to turn the pedals.

Despite the warmer temps and rain all week, many of the roads still had long stretches of ice. I once again chose the Fatterson for the ride and it proved to be the right choice. Sure, there were roads that were void of any ice and snow at all and that made me feel like I brought an Uzi to a pillow fight, but as soon as I heard the studs hooking up on the glaring ice I felt at peace with the decision.

I find January one long, bitch ass motherfucker of a month. I hate it with the intensity of a thousand suns. This January was no different and at times I found myself feeling the lowest I have felt in a long time. All the work I’ve been doing to grow mentally seemed fruitless and stupid and I said the words “fuck” and “it” way too much. However, getting out on Friday really helped. It was the mental enema I needed. It helped to clean out the cobwebs and give me a much-needed boost.

I am a realist and know full well that we here in mid-Michigan have several more months of winter and climate change induced psycho weather ahead of us, but for now, I am just going to bask in the wonderful feeling out being outside on my bike with a camera.

Right after I finish writing this I’m going out for another helping. The winds are going to be a little stronger today, but as long as they’re not blowing freezing rain at me, I’ll deal with it just fine.


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