Tag Archives | feeling mental

Normalcy Achievement, Unlocked!


I am a creature of habit and routine. Many of my days are spent doing the same things as the day before, at the same general times, for the same general reasons. Some days vary slightly due to Premier League match times, school cancellations, appointments, or a dreaded trip away from home because plans were made for me.

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I Have My Reasons


My family and I are not ill. Yet.

And we’re not “officially” quarantined for any real reason other than not wanting to come into contact with any more potentially sick people than we have to. I can leave the house if I want to. And if you tell me I can’t, then I probably will.

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More of That Word

The same, the same, the same, the same, the same. Some days, everything feels the goddamn fucking same. Pardon that language, but some days everything truly does feel the same. Until it doesn’t. But then it’s back to the same. Know-what-I-mean?

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No Future From the Past

One of the worst things about my brain—and there are many—is that I don’t see the future. That’s not some suicide watch bullshit, that is just me saying that beyond the vision of my son graduating high school and moving on to college in a few years, I see nothing other than what is on my calendar next week.

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Fails and Such

Not sure what happened to me this week, but I was off my game on multiple fronts. Usually, when that happens, a walk in the woods with my camera does wonders to get my mojo going. Or at least my jo. Sadly, this week offered up a variety of fails.

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