OK, I said I wouldn’t talk about riding indoors ’cause it’s not really riding, and there’s not too much to say about it. I’ve done a pretty good job with that, and there’s only been a few mentions of Zwifting on the Hammer in the Not So Stankment, but it appears that I am about to do it again. I’m sorry, but there’s more, trust me!
Tag Archives | not doing stuff
These Days
I can’t seem to find much to write about these days. Hell, I can barely find anything I want to do other than sleep, eat, and drink beer.
Sort of Back
“Have you posted anything on the blog lately?”
“No, nothing to write about.”
Hanging On
As you may have read here, or in other Soiled media outlets, I hurt my back last Friday after pushing a bit too hard on the indoor trainer—yes, I’m that much of a putz, thank you—and have been crookedly walking around in discomfort since. That pain, along with cold, wet and windy weather, has my mood matching the early evening darkness.
With that said, things are getting better. Today (Wednesday) I woke up with my back feeling a lot better. Not great, but better. Given that the morning is when it’s at its worst, I’ll take that and try to see that as progress.
From Good to Worse
I guess I got too cocky about the amount of activities that I was enjoying last week. Several quality indoor workouts and a nice dirt road ride had me looking forward to the weekend. But first I wanted to do one more indoor workout on Friday. I shouldn’t have.
Rule Violations
I put out a lot of “won’t dos” and “will dos” in my last post concerning my indoor training, and for the most part, I’ve been adhering to my self-imposed rules. Almost.
Mind Changed & Blown
Over the years of writing this crap, I have made many overly animated, passionate declarations of opinion in regards to just about anything and everything. And many times, I’ve change my mind. I should have been a politician!
Crispy Stuff
The wind FINALLY calmed down for a bit on Thursday and I got out for a ride north of town on dirt and gravel roads. It was the first truly cold ride of the season and it had me busting out the (way to snug) tights, and a bunch of other cold weather riding gear.
Badish and Goodish
The wind has been the story around these parts over the past few days. Along with the wind, there’s also been a dose of bad-ish and good-ish luck and no riding.
Pops, Grunts, & Moans
For better or worse (probably worse) I tell the truth here. I don’t purport to be a better cyclist than I am, and I sure as hell don’t think I’m a better person the rest of you all (I’m pretty sure there are animals that are better humans than me). To some, this comes off as being a fat face malcontent, while others dig the vibe I set. I like that a few people read this shit, but in the end, it matters not. It’s here. It’s free.