Like the millions of leaves that now litter the trails, the past week or so has been a blur of daily hikes, crappy photos, and getting the last bits of pre-winter outdoor duties finished up around the Cul-De-Sac-Shack; I’ve also been missing B-Man, and checking my aggression while being visually assaulted by hundreds of garish roadside political signs from mid-Michigan’s best of the worst, Trumpers, bigots, racists, science haters, election deniers, and religious nut jobs (they go together gut cramps and rancid Wal-Mart peanut butter).
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Stomps & Moaning
This week picked up where last week left off with more time in the woods with my camera.
Mid-Week Lumbering
It’s been a good week of woodsy walking (AKA hiking). However, I did take today off to tend to my husbandly and Cul-De-Sac-Shack responsibilities and give my feet a rest after 11 straight days of hiking, but I currently sit on 17.35 miles in my feet over four days with two days left to hit my self-imposed 25 miles goal. [You say days a LOT, maybe read more, get a better vocab – ed.]
Hikes & Dreamboats
It’s strange to me (not really) that when I am getting outside and doing stuff—in this case, near-daily hikes in the woods—I, of course, feel better physically and mentally, but I also notice that I blather less here. I know that is a win/win for all parties concerned, but strange to me nonetheless.
This in no way means that I plan to abort my woodsy walks or return to the Bed of Torment in the Chamber of Farts for the sake of something to write about because, let’s face it, it can be a tad insufferable, and while I personally might find it therapeutic in some way to spew out depressive word salad thrice weekly and post it for the whole world to read, it can be tiring and its value overpriced.
One Month & Sweat So Sour
I continued my utter and complete domination (not really) of the hiking trails at Deerfield Park this week with another 17 miles of a planned 25-mile week in my boots as of Thursday.
Comebacks & Miles
Last week I continued my 2022 Not Dead Yet Comeback Special with another 25.5 miles in my feet to bring my 4-week total to 92.6 miles, with at least 85 of those miles coming via hikes in the woods.
Rainy Days & Wednesdays
Last week I got in 25 miles of woodsy walking and foto-footzing to complete my third 20+ mile week in a row. I was feeling pretty stoked about that, so I was eager to get back at it this week.
The Unforgiven
In August, I wanted to start putting together hikes in the 5+ mile range and aim to do them at least four times a week. I thought it would fill a void between pointlessly “walking” on the Dreadmill and pushing myself physically like I do/did when mountain biking, all the while being in the woods with my camera. And I was right; it allowed all of that. However, forcing my more-out-of-shape-than-I-care-to-admit self to jump right into 5-mile hikes in the woods during the heat of August was not the best idea; my back paid the price, and I experienced multiple painful back spasms during those hikes.
Before The Switch Flips
In the past few weeks, I have found myself with a renewed enthusiasm for “doing stuff” outside. While that has done nothing for the barely noticeable gains I’ve made strength training in the gym, it has done wonders for my mind, which every year around this time takes a dip in a stank vat of “fuck everything and everyone; yes, even you.”
Wet Hike Lover
Last week was filled with near-daily lumbers through the woods with my camera, followed by a day off to let my 51-year-old body rest and recover; I was ready to get back at it on Monday and returned to Deerfield Park for a 4-mile hike in the cool, rainy woods.
The morning was dark with a rain that alternated between a steady drizzle and a refreshing misty spray that gave the woods a real Dagobah System feel (Google it, youngsters).