I had a bit of free time on my hands this morning, so I monkeyed around with some recent pics, utilizing some textures I recently found in the computer web thing. Some worked, some didn’t, some were too much and some added just enough of what I was looking for.
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Lonely Bull
Any old time you keep me waiting… Waiting, waiting.
Too Far To The Left
I thought I would share this, for no other reason than it shows how much I DON’T pay attention to things…
Your eyes are not deceiving you, that is my wheel a little TOO far to the right in the fork. Actually, it is my RIGHT Reba lower a little too far to the left. By “a little” I of course mean a lot.
After B-Man’s soccer match on Saturday I headed up to the MMCC trails to get a lap in. Before I headed out I noticed that it’s about time for a new pair of gloves, as my current beat to hell and back pair have finally ripped. With all those salt stains, it looks like they could use a wash too. The ride was brilliant though and I continue to enjoy the awesome spring-like fall weather we are having and the incredible trail conditions.
I think the rip in the gloves was just a little foreshadowing to the “rip” (or at least scratch) I was going to get in my left eye while I was putting in my contacts on Sunday morning. Not sure how I did that after 25 years of wearing contacts, but I did, and it hurts like a mother epher. Watering, sensitive to light, hurts to sleep, blink, etc. FRIG! Worst of all I have to wear my glasses which for some reason turns me into stumbling old man. Seriously, for some reason when I wear my glasses I hear even less, trip over my own two feet and have an even harder time paying attention… What? Oh yeah my glasses… Plus inevitably Wifey, or someone else, will tell me that I “look smart.” Which is like saying I KNOW you’re dumb but at least now you LOOK smart. Not to mention I find it impossible to ride with prescription eye glasses on. I use too much peripheral vision and I am blind as a bat, so even looking out the corner of my eye results in cloudy mess and throws off my equilibrium. Of course there IS the secondary problem of having an eye that is swollen and red and has everyone thinking I have pink eye like some baby who likes to play with their poo. I mean nothing agains playing with poo, but I don’t want people thinking I do it and then touch my face and eyes. I have standards.
Oh well, worse things have happened to better people than me. At least B-Man had a great weekend of soccer! His team won Saturday and lost Sunday, however the team on Sunday is the best in the league and B played great. Of course he did get hit in the face with a clearance pass that I believe has left the word Adidas on his cheek! Ha!
Off to the eye doctor, hoping that I can get this cleared up and not miss too much time on the bike.
Not A Huge Fan, But
I am not a huge fan of Pro road cycling anymore, between the (past?) drug use from racers and the snobbery that runs amuck among the road scene with their carbon wheels, overpriced Rapha kits and “rules” about everything from what socks you wear, to color of your handlebar tape, to how you wear your eyewear, has left me with little admiration for the lot of them. But I know when I see something cool, and this video by ShimanoRaceTV from the recent World Championship is pretty cool.
When In Doubt
Some say that if you have nothing worth blogging about, you shouldn’t blog at all. I disagree, I say that is the time to post photos of Jake The Dog…
There was no riding of any kind today since B-Man’s school was cancelled due to heavy fog (yes, I said heavy fog). That was hard to take since it was freaking bee-a-YOU-tee-fool all day.
Oh well, there’s always tomorrow… unless it’s foggy of course.
Jacked Up
Man, WordPress has been all sort of jacked up today and it is beyond frustrating. This post may work, it may not (it seems it has, but still having issues). I hate the Internet (mature, aren’t I?)
Vintage Dirt Racin’
I recently came upon some photos of what is described as vintage BMX racing in Holland circa the 1950s. I have never raced BMX, however I do race mountain bikes (although be it with less and less frequency and less and less success) and have also done a few utterly forgettable and regrettable cross races, so it’s hard not to have the utmost appreciation for these kids ripping it up in the dirt. Not to mention they are doing it with impeccable style. To hell with skinsuits, lycra and helmets, I’m going helmetless with a big dose of flannel, leather shoes and knee socks from now on!
A Fungi (NOT Fun Guy) Ride
“I collect spores, molds and fungus.” – Egon Spengler, Ghostbusters
Stop The Hate, Solanum Tuberosum!!
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again– we need to stop the hating on the potato! Freaking things have been domesticated for like 7,000 years, but now that people went and got fat from being sedentary lumps, society has labeled them “as evil as a bowl of sugar.”