Tag Archives | being an idiot

Is it Spring?

Three rides in four days and two flabby, sunburnt granny arms have me thinking that it just might spring here in mid-Michigan. Of course, we’ve had snow flurries in May some years, so I’m not gonna bust out the little J-Man’s banana hammock just yet.

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Hyperbole and Birds

It’s April 17th, and we Michiganders remain slung over a barrel with our snow pants down to our ankles as the rhythmic slapping of relentless ice, snow, and wind continues.

B’s school is closed for the second day in a row, and I haven’t been in the saddle of my bike in 5 days. In fact, no stuff has been done in nearly 5 days: weights go unlifted, the treadmill remains stagnant, and the pedals of my trainer bike remain in the same position which I left them weeks months ago. Running shoes and hiking boots remain closeted, and my mind has deteriorated into a vile mushy substance usually scraped off the bottoms of shoes while muttering obscenities and trying not to inhale.

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Two Weeks in One

What a strange week of busy work, doing stuff, riding, and weather.

Amazingly enough, I got three rides in this week. All three were rather short but all three were good, and different in their own way.

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Paper Over Cracks

Finally, after what has seemed like an eternity, I was able to get outside for ride today.

To make a short (ride) story even shorter: I went for a ride that was a mix of pavement and dirt, it was sunny, it was (still) cold, and I didn’t go that far (22.5 miles), but it was just what I need to feel semi-OK-ish. Hazzah!

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Goofiness and Pro Tips

This post is LONG and it has nothing to do with cycling. This is pretty much the stuff that goes on in my mind ALL THE TIME, and it comes out in the form of a crap post like this when I’m not kept busy doing stuff.

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Not Half Good

The ass end of February/dick tip of March was semi-kind to me as far as getting outside to ride my bike. Sure, there was the minor schedule alteration due to an armed suspect at large in the area, a nice helping of psycho winds, and various dad duties to complete but as I’ve said before; at this time of year I am grateful for 1 ride a week and last I got 3! As a chubby, food loving, beer drinking, ex-crap amateur racer that only occasionally gives a shit about anything at all—let alone riding his bike—I’ll take that all day long! But then that ended.

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