Tag Archives | photos

Hydroxychloroquine Might Be My Jam


NOTE: This post has been updated at the request of Soiled Chamois, Inc.’s legal department. See footnote 2.

After two solid days of pandemic inspired “meh,” I fully expected to wake up dick whipped in the face with another dose. Thankfully that didn’t happen.

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Elusive Chicken Tacos


Hello Wednesday. If that’s who you really are. You seem a lot like Tuesday, you’re acting a bit like Monday, and you’re trying to get me to do Friday things. OK, I’m all in on Friday things, I really don’t care.

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Dog Hairs


The title of this post could be referring to the amount of (Lola) dog hair I find in, on, around, beside, below, and above almost every piece of furniture, in every room, and in every orifice in the house (don’t ask). But it’s not.

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Pre Thundersnow Thanks

Lately, I’ve been a bit too lax in my updates on doing stuff. Mostly because I realize now—more than ever—that no one wants to read about a chubby, fair-weather cycling slacker who spends most of his time wandering around the woods with his camera and lifting heavy things for no reason in the gym. But hey, there are pictures!

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Still Falling

Sort of picking things up where they left off when I last posted. Meaning, not much has changed. Fall keeps falling, and I still fail to ride anything other than a stationary bike at the gym before lifting heavy things for no reason.

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Yin Yang

This post is sort of two posts in one when, in reality, it should probably be one quickly forgotten post.

I highlighted some of the shots from my recent rainy trek around the Sylvan Solace preserve in the last post, and here I am showing them again. I be like that.

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Limp Stomps

Time in the saddle has been nearly non-existent over the past month or so. Shit weather, some hours in the bike shop, family schedules, soccer matches, appointments, and an ongoing sprain in my foot has me spending way more time in the gym lifting heavy things for no reason rather than outside on my bike.

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