Tag Archives | being a michigander-burgher-ite

No Structure

With Wifey and B in Pennsylvania for a few days, I’ve been struggling to find some structure to my days. Monday had it all worked out for me with 8.5 hours at the shop.

With Tuesday open, I headed to the Dirt Road Launching Pad™ for some south of town gravel goodness, always a fave.

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Doggone Sweet Relief

Friday finally brought some sweet relief from the intense heat and humidity that we’ve been having. Usually, such a drop in temps is preceded by thunderstorms and heavy rains that would turn the dirt roads into a rutted, muddy mess, but this time the cool temps just sort of appeared. With that, I was looking forward to getting out for a few miles on the dirt roads south of town without feeling like I was riding in a treeless rainforest.

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Temperature Drop

After taking Sunday off due to the heat and a scorching case of laziness, and Monday off the bike due to working in the shop, I was ready to ride again on Tuesday. Thankfully the temperature dropped a bit, and by a “bit” I mean about two degrees. At least it wasn’t quite as humid.

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Blubber and Rubber

As I eluded to in the last post, mid-Michigan was about to/is getting bitch slapped in the face with the meaty dick of a heat wave. I was quite used to warm humid summers under “partly cloudy”1 skies back in Pittsburgh, but here in Michigan, with 8 months of cold temps, a 95˚ day feels like it’s 350˚ and the air is like breathing through the UltimAir 100% polyester crotch of a size 3XL pair of Breezies™ whilst being worn by a 6XL QVC home shopper. While some may find that incredibly erotic and spank-worthy, I do not. Well, at least not while riding my bike.

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2 Miles & Empty Nests

After a fun, but busy, Father’s Day weekend, Monday came in like a herd of depressed turtles covered in dog feecus. Despite a busy Monday morning, I squeezed in a quick hike at the Audubon Woods Preserve and got a couple of nice pics in the process.

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