Tag Archives | being a michigander-burgher-ite


I headed south of town on Thursday to ride dirt and gravel on the Boone. Mileage wise, the ride clocked in at just over 26 miles, but my time with my camera was quite fruitful, at least to me.

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South North Tag Team

After a dismal start to the week, I ended with four (mostly) gravel rides in a row Wednesday through Saturday, hitting roads south, north, south, and then north again. You would think spending nearly 8 hours on the bike over four days would yield some big miles, well, you would be wrong!

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The Post Since The Last

At the end of my last post I mentioned that I was getting ready to head up to MMCC to ride some singletrack. I did, it was fun, and unbelievable that it happened nearly a week ago. I got sidetracked, then did other stuff, then got busy, then got sidetracked again. In this post I do some catchup with riding and life, mostly with the use of photos.

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Lumbered Miles

The week thus far has been void of major miles.1 There has only been one ride so far and that clocked in at just over 29 miles. There were also two 3 mile interval runs lumbers on the treadmill due to time restraints, weather, and a twist of end of summer ennui.

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Slow Again

Today as I readied my bottles for my ride I briefly thought about taking the PrOcal out. Then I remembered how packed down and fast the roads were yesterday morning and how well the Boone performed on said roads. “What could change in 24 hours?” I thought. It turns out the dumping of fresh gravel on just about every gravel road north of town is what. Cuss!

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A Tuesday Ride

I got out Tuesday morning for a ride south of town with the PrOcal. I’ve been opting to use the PrOcal on the rides south of town due to many of the roads being extremely sandy and torn up by Amish horses and buggies this time of year, but I have to admit, anytime the roads smooth out I am left longing for the efficiency of the Boone. The gearing of the PrOcal is way more suited for actual singletrack (probably because it’s made for actual mountain biking, not putzing around slowing on gravel roads), and I just feel like I’m pedaling on fly paper much of the time.

Having said all that, when things get sandy and shitty I plow through with confidence without so much as a wobble.

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