Tag Archives | not doing stuff

Back On The Fat Farm


After five days of travel, overeating, no exercise, typical sloth-like ‘merican living and an epic battle with travel induced constipation, I am back and ready to get back into my regular gym, riding, eating and loaf pinching routine.

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Thanks A Lot


It’s the eve before Thanksgiving Eve (also known as Tuesday) and the day/eve, was a fucking mess. We got an ice storm last night, so B-Man’s school was cancelled today and I needed to get the snow tires back on the xB. Not to mention I had a million other things to do as we prepare for our trip back to Western PA for the holiday. Thankfully (or not) I had the chance to squeeze in 40 minutes on the trainer. 40 minutes that would have been better spent guzzling a vodka/sleeping pill/Lexapro cocktail instead of half heartedly spinning along and going nowhere for 40 minutes of a planned 60.

Don’t get me wrong, I am anxious to see my father, brother, sister, and in-laws, but mentally I would rather suck on a gas pipe than have to endure four days of explaining why the magazine went bust and I am mooching off my Wife’s brain and (thankfully) its associated income with no gainful employment in sight. But… such is life. I am very thankful. A slacker, but a THANKFUL slacker.

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A Perfect Day For A Road Ride

Processed with VSCOcam

Today was a perfect day for a road ride. Naturally, I went for a mountain bike ride.

You would think that I would have remembered the gusting 40+ mile per hour winds that rocked Michigan last Sunday and Monday. You would also think that I wouldn’t be forced to use an iPhone to take pics because I forgot my real camera on my desk. Go ahead and think those things, but you would be wrong.

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Dealing With The Plague


After a nice ride on Sunday I was feeling pretty good and had a pretty good evening; I had a good dinner, a couple of beers and headed off to bed with plans of hitting the gym in the morning to get back at the weights. But…

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The Tuesday/Monday Place Flop


The above photo pretty much sums up my Tuesday.

I have been trying to talk less and less about “me”, ’cause  let’s face it, I am not that interesting and sort of an imbecilic train wreck. BUT I am going to do so today for some reason. Sorry.

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He Did It, Not Me


There are days when I do “stuff” and days when I don’t. Then there are days that I don’t do anything but my freaking nine-year old son says “Dad, I’m bored and haven’t had soccer in a week, can I get on the treadmill to get some running in?”  Then there are days that I don’t do anything, but my nine-year old gets on the treadmill and proceeds to run two miles at speeds of 4 to 6 mph, while I fold clothes, and notice that he didn’t break a sweat ’till he started mile two, and at times was having a full conversation with me while he ran.

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Other Things


After two days of muddy dirt roads I had no desire to get back on them today. I thought about going to MMCC to ride but I’m a bit burned out on those trails and then got caught up in some stuff. By “stuff” I of course mean that I wasted my morning watching three Premiere League matches and lost motivation to ride. If I would have rode, it would have been a quick one and it would looked a bit like the piss-poor photo above and its lagging shutter speed.

I did get on the treadmill for 50 minutes of walking/running/semi-sprinting/belly flopping/bag slapping. Running is getting SLIGHTLY easier and I am hoping to take that shit show outside in the coming weeks (under the cover of darkness of course). Still more work to do though.

It’s A Texture Issue

I had a bit of free time on my hands this morning, so I monkeyed around with some recent pics, utilizing some textures I recently found in the computer web thing. Some worked, some didn’t, some were too much and some added just enough of what I was looking for.


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