Face Up

When I was growing up back in Western PA, I was part of a small group of neighborhood kids somewhat close in age. In the years before the awkwardness of junior high and high school started up, we would play kickball, stickball, tag, and hide and seek late into the firefly filled humid summer nights before heading inside for bath time, snacks, and watching CHiPs on TV.

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Mind Changed & Blown

Over the years of writing this crap, I have made many overly animated, passionate declarations of opinion in regards to just about anything and everything. And many times, I’ve change my mind. I should have been a politician!

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Crispy Stuff

The wind FINALLY calmed down for a bit on Thursday and I got out for a ride north of town on dirt and gravel roads. It was the first truly cold ride of the season and it had me busting out the (way to snug) tights, and a bunch of other cold weather riding gear.

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Pops, Grunts, & Moans

For better or worse (probably worse) I tell the truth here. I don’t purport to be a better cyclist than I am, and I sure as hell don’t think I’m a better person the rest of you all (I’m pretty sure there are animals that are better humans than me). To some, this comes off as being a fat face malcontent, while others dig the vibe I set. I like that a few people read this shit, but in the end, it matters not. It’s here. It’s free.

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Geeking Out

Warning amateur photographer geekiness ahead!

This week has been a blur of sorts. More blur than riding, that’s for sure. One crap ride was squeezed in between storms and other duties. On Thursday I had about an hour and a half to spare, so I drove out to the Slyvan nature preserve to quickly test out some camera gear.

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More Failed Attempts

On Wednesday morning I failed yet again to motivate myself to ride. Part of that was due to my mental state; the other part was seeing that there was a giant cluster of heavy rain creeping towards central Michigan.

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