Wifey and I are going out of the country for the first time ever in a couple of weeks; Jamaica if you must know. Not my first choice for my first time leaping fuck face Trump’s “wall” around the U.S., but it looks like it’s going to be a killer time celebrating our 20th anniversary (1.5 years later) with another couple we’re good friends who are celebrating their 25th. Sun, beach, warm water, rum, and boobs; that’s pretty much all I need to survive. As documented here, I’m a woodsy-type of guy, but there’s something to be said for being a beach sloth. And rum.
Archive | Outdoors
It’s Over
Despite the “woe is me” title of this post, things are pretty darn, not badish.
When I say “it’s over,” I am of course referring to the holiday season. Finished; done; caput. Get the fuck out of here and don’t come back, until you force yourself upon us like a horned up, drunk, conservative Supreme Court judge a year from now!!
Beating Myself, Paths, Off, Etc.
As I’ve documented here more than a few times of late, I haven’t been riding outside that much. Wait, reverse that, I haven’t been riding outside at ALL. I was beating myself up about that, but looking back at previous years, it seems that it’s not that unusual for me to sequester myself inside to do stuff this time of year.
Sort of Getting Out, Not Peacocking
I got a pretty good week of fake riding in last week, coming in just under 100 miles with a shit ton of perceived climbing and vomit inducing efforts. I continue to be surprised at how much I’m enjoying these indoor efforts and how little desire I have to be outside riding in the slop. For now.
Active Slack + Bubble Time
My days of late have been pretty much the same: time on the trainer, some walks in the slush-snow woods with my camera avoiding bullets, some evening beers, and early bedtimes.
A Weak Back
Since the last volley of word salad hurled from my mind to the pages of this HTML concocted time suck, there has been much improvement to both body and mind.
Face Up
When I was growing up back in Western PA, I was part of a small group of neighborhood kids somewhat close in age. In the years before the awkwardness of junior high and high school started up, we would play kickball, stickball, tag, and hide and seek late into the firefly filled humid summer nights before heading inside for bath time, snacks, and watching CHiPs on TV.
Rides & Pissed In Oceans
After a pretty good indoor cycling session and a short forest walkabout with my camera on Tuesday, I was looking forward to some outdoor saddle time on Wednesday. I got that, but also got a bonus hike in the woods with B later that day.
Rule Violations
I put out a lot of “won’t dos” and “will dos” in my last post concerning my indoor training, and for the most part, I’ve been adhering to my self-imposed rules. Almost.
Crispy Stuff
The wind FINALLY calmed down for a bit on Thursday and I got out for a ride north of town on dirt and gravel roads. It was the first truly cold ride of the season and it had me busting out the (way to snug) tights, and a bunch of other cold weather riding gear.