Archive | Outdoors

2 Miles & Empty Nests

After a fun, but busy, Father’s Day weekend, Monday came in like a herd of depressed turtles covered in dog feecus. Despite a busy Monday morning, I squeezed in a quick hike at the Audubon Woods Preserve and got a couple of nice pics in the process.

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Lighter Fare

After spending most of my free time pondering and writing about the death of one of my favorite writers and personalities, I have little left to offer other than a few pics and words from what was a pretty good Thursday of “doing stuff.”

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Gal Pal Hikes

My reign as King of The Morons continues, as does some pretty sore ribs from where they collided with the ground and a series of tree roots last Friday when I tripped trail running lumbering. Because of that I have shunned riding, embraced a life of slack and headed into the woods with Wifey for some hiking and picture taking.

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I Am Your King

I shall henceforth be known as The King of The Morons, for my stupidity knows no boundaries, my idiocy no limits, and my moronicness remains supreme above all others. I am the absolute ruler of all things absurdly stupid. You, my fellow morons, shall address me as King or as Supreme Ruler. If you’re not a moron I encourage you to just step over me as I lie in the gutter slack-jawed with sick on my shirt. BUT ALL OTHERS SHALL BOW BEFORE ME AND ADDRESS ME SO!!

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Wet and Steamy

As mentioned in the previous post, we had some pretty heavy thunderstorms on Wednesday night into early Thursday morning. So with that, I assumed the dirt roads would be a mess and chose to hike around Hall’s Natural Area south-west of town in lieu of riding.

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Getting Stupid

At the end of my last post, I talked about heading into the woods to do something stupid that morning. Me doing something stupid in the woods might lead readers to believe that I was going to be cooking up meth in an abandoned hunting blind or having sex with a woodpecker hole riddled tree carcass. While both of those things are stupid, and more than a little fun to entertain thoughts of doing, I did not. It was stupider.

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Back to Bundy

I woke up Tuesday morning to find that we once again enjoyed another night of rain. Yeah! More muddy dirt roads and more fuel for the ever growing grass of my yard which I seem to be mowing twice a week these days.

With little motivation for riding on the muddy dirt roads, and even less to deal with cars on the paved roads, I put my camera’s battery on charge and waited for the caffeine to do its job before heading out for some more time stomping around the wet woods.

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Stomp The Neithercut

Monday’s are usually a shit show for me, and this Monday would try its hardest to bring fecal matter to the dick-tip of this week’s production, but I counter attacked with some fecalness of my own. WIN!

Right out of the gate I had an 8 AM appointment with my eye doctor. Afterward, I would have plenty of time to ride, fuck about, or actually get some work done, but I declined. Instead, I packed my camera and boots and after my appointment, I drove straight to the Neithercut Woodlands about 25 minutes north of town to get a few miles of hiking in.

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