One of the worst things about my brain—and there are many—is that I don’t see the future. That’s not some suicide watch bullshit, that is just me saying that beyond the vision of my son graduating high school and moving on to college in a few years, I see nothing other than what is on my calendar next week.
Tag Archives | being a slacker
No Epics Required
Something I’ve slowly learned over the years (AKA got old and fat) is that not every bike ride, hike, ski, snowshoe, etc., needs to be an epic affair filled with big miles, sore muscles, and bonks. Sometimes, just putzing around the woods with my camera is enough to give the brain the mental “rub and a tug” it needs.
It’s Complicated
Most of the past week was spent in the gym lifting heavy things for no reason, in the dentist chair having my mouth torn apart, or in various doctor’s offices having my brain shrunk or now mended ankle looked at.
Feeling Comfortable
The past summer has been rough for a multitude of reasons. Most of that painful miserableness has been documented here in recent posts. So, let’s move on, finally.
When I Last Posted
The more things fail to change; the more things stay the same.
Bad and Good
I’m starting to sound like a broken record, or a corrupt file for you youngsters, but I find myself —yet again—playing shit show catchup.
Who Dis?
My excuses are longer than a porn star’s manhood. My slack is stronger than a pre-castrated bull. And my waistline’s girth and body weight are that of a Mart-Cart fatty with a basket full of Ding Dongs and Mountain Dew.
What Day is It?
This week is all over the place, and I feel like I have no idea what day it is. I feel like the weekend just happened and today is Monday. But it’s not. At least I don’t think it is.
Goofiness & Sentiment
Wednesday night as I looked at the next day’s schedule of Dad duties, house duties, and a mid-afternoon appointment with my mind bender, I made the decision that I would get up with the dogs at 5:45 AM, get them fed and outside to poop, then immediately get out for a ride. This would have me home in plenty of time to get B to his morning conditioning session at the soccer fields.
Being a Gimp
When I say “gimp” I am not referring to how I feel due to the laundry list of health issues I have that include: shit hearing in one ear, tendonitis in my right elbow, worsening arthritis in my left thumb joint, edema in my legs, degenerative arthritis in my lower back, a history of DVTs in my legs, plantar fasciitis in my left heel, ongoing depression, and 50+ pounds of weight gain.
I’m of course referring to being the Shop Gimp.