Wednesday started with heavy rain for most of the morning. It also contained a mid-morning orthodontist appointment for B-Man so a ride wasn’t got to happen.
Tag Archives | being a slacker
A Foul-Mouthed Buddha
After a Monday spent doing Monday stuff, I was looking forward to getting out on the bike on Tuesday morning. I did, and it was good, but it could have been great. It wasn’t.
Miles and Goofing Off
The past week contained a little bit of riding, goofing off in the woods with my camera, hanging out with friends, some blood, and some shit. Literally, some shit.
2 Miles & Empty Nests
After a fun, but busy, Father’s Day weekend, Monday came in like a herd of depressed turtles covered in dog feecus. Despite a busy Monday morning, I squeezed in a quick hike at the Audubon Woods Preserve and got a couple of nice pics in the process.
Motivation, 9 Deer, & A Stick of Butter
Two days of riding in a row?? Well, that’s just crazy talk!!
Nearly a Week, Pretty Weak
It’s hard to believe that’s it’s been nearly a week since my last ride. A wide range of things came between me and precious, calorie burning saddle time. Such things as traveling to multiple soccer games, a post-season soccer party, time restraints, family duties, and on a few occasions, just not giving a shit.
Today, time and giving a shit came together and I was finally able to get out for a dirt road ride north of town.
A Dirt Road Return & More
Finally, after three days off the bike due to a slight rib injury, I was back on the bike for a quick ride north of town.
Gal Pal Hikes
My reign as King of The Morons continues, as does some pretty sore ribs from where they collided with the ground and a series of tree roots last Friday when I tripped trail running lumbering. Because of that I have shunned riding, embraced a life of slack and headed into the woods with Wifey for some hiking and picture taking.
Am I Really Doing This?
After nearly a week or more of being off the bike due to weather, a weekend of soccer tournament festivities, and other crank blocks I finally got some saddle time in on Wednesday.
I did a loop south of town and it felt great to be back in the saddle. Due to some issues with the Boone, it wasn’t the saddle I thought it was going to be, but the PrOcal’s saddle is still a saddle and I was in it, that’s all that matters.
Short Stomp
The great thing about being a non-racing, chubby dad-bod type cyclist is that sometimes, even on a perfect spring day in Michigan, you can say “Fuck it, I don’t feel like riding.” Of course, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to do something outside.