I had to spend two days off the bike as I took care of a variety of house issues that included HVAC repairmen and appliance delivery drivers. Oh well, life happens. With that said, I was anxious to get out for a ride on Friday, but I was also geeked to spend some time snapping some pics with my DSLR. This would normally call for one of my fat bike rambles in which I roll at a slug’s pace around Michiganderburgh snapping pics of rural dirt road life as I see it. However, I just wasn’t craving a slug’s pace, so I brought my 2010 Salsa Ti El Mariachi out of retirement, put my Porcelain Rocket DSLR Slinger on it, and headed out for a ride.
Tag Archives | being a slacker
Making Hay, Etc…
I took advantage of this morning’s cloud cover to avoid the blazing sun and get out for a ride before the “fit but fat” thwarting Michiganderburgh heat and humidity had a chance to do any sort of thwarting to a fat man such as myself. To paraphrase/fuck up an old adage– I was making hay while the sun DIDN’T shine. Or at least riding slowly by hay while the sun didn’t shine.
Rambling Through The Heat
This week has sort of been all over the place; one day I’m doing nothing but random house stuff, the next day I’m walking around in the woods like a crazed hermit with a camera, the next day I’m on my cross bike north of town rolling on fast, hard packed dirt roads, and the next day I’m on my fatty, rambling over, wet, muddy dirt roads in ninety degree heat for just under thirty miles [I think thirty miles on a stock fat bike equals fifty on a regular bike, but I might be wrong on that].
The Struggle (Not Really)
There has been a real lack of activity the past few days, so blogging has been on the back burner. I mean do you really want to read endless blog posts on how I am now in the midst of an obsession with bastardizing Chinese and Asian cuisine to the point in which they are unrecognizable? Probably not, so I save that for Exchange-O-Gram. Do you really want to read endless comments about football, how eating hot dogs at 11 PM gave me gas, and complaints about life’s minor annoyances? Probably not, so I save that for the Twitters.
I have been struggling to find topics to write about as well as the time to write about them the past few days, so I have been laying low [the web now breathes a world-wide sigh of relief].
Until now [digital boo].
Slow Rolled Saturday
After a beautiful day weather wise on Friday, things got damp and rainy overnight and into the morning. When I woke up Saturday morning it was dank, dark and rainy, and all I really wanted to do was lay around and watch the first matches of the 2015/16 BPL season.
New Highs With My Lows
Around lunch time today, I once again found myself craving Chinese food, however ordering up a pint of Spicy Ramen & Shrimp from Super China Panda Great Wall Garden House would have been way too hard. I needed food that required less work of me. And by “less work” I mean food that would take less than ten minutes to cook, would not require me to talk to anyone, and I could make with ingredients I already had in the house. Less work is good, and even better when it tastes good.
In Hiding
I totally admit it, I hid from the wind today. The sun was out, the temps were perfect for sweating out some weekend calories and I said “forget about it,” and took off into the woods with Wifey to do a hike in lieu of a ride. Sue me.
Time Wastin’ & Picture Takin’

A bird just chillin’ & wastin’ time (just like me).
Thursday’s ride was disappointing to say the least; the heat and relentless winds made the ride anything but fun. Thankfully I made up for a crap ride by catching up with some friends in town later that evening for Art Battle and some beverages.
Smell My Cob
With the week pretty open and void of hours at the shop I headed out for another dirt road ride on the Boone today. This time I headed south of town with hopes of more dirt, less pavement, and a few more miles.
Outdoor Time
The winds were pretty high on Monday, so my desire to get out on the dirt roads was pretty low; I also had little want to drive to a trail head to ride my mountain bike. Instead I chose to take a day off the bike, a decision made easier by having got 26 miles of singletrack in on Sunday. Even without being in the saddle I did manage to get some outside activities in.