Tag Archives | photos

2 Miles & Empty Nests

After a fun, but busy, Father’s Day weekend, Monday came in like a herd of depressed turtles covered in dog feecus. Despite a busy Monday morning, I squeezed in a quick hike at the Audubon Woods Preserve and got a couple of nice pics in the process.

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Nearly a Week, Pretty Weak

It’s hard to believe that’s it’s been nearly a week since my last ride. A wide range of things came between me and precious, calorie burning saddle time. Such things as traveling to multiple soccer games, a post-season soccer party, time restraints, family duties, and on a few occasions, just not giving a shit.

Today, time and giving a shit came together and I was finally able to get out for a dirt road ride north of town.

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Damp Dirt

After two days of stomping around various woods and nature preserves in mid-Michigan, I finally got out to ride some dirt roads south of town on Wednesday.

I had put off riding the dirt roads for a couple days due to multiple overnight rains and from my experiences yesterday that was a good idea!

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Back to Bundy

I woke up Tuesday morning to find that we once again enjoyed another night of rain. Yeah! More muddy dirt roads and more fuel for the ever growing grass of my yard which I seem to be mowing twice a week these days.

With little motivation for riding on the muddy dirt roads, and even less to deal with cars on the paved roads, I put my camera’s battery on charge and waited for the caffeine to do its job before heading out for some more time stomping around the wet woods.

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Stomp The Neithercut

Monday’s are usually a shit show for me, and this Monday would try its hardest to bring fecal matter to the dick-tip of this week’s production, but I counter attacked with some fecalness of my own. WIN!

Right out of the gate I had an 8 AM appointment with my eye doctor. Afterward, I would have plenty of time to ride, fuck about, or actually get some work done, but I declined. Instead, I packed my camera and boots and after my appointment, I drove straight to the Neithercut Woodlands about 25 minutes north of town to get a few miles of hiking in.

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Looking Down

I had hoped to return to the dirt roads for some miles on Tuesday morning, but heavy thunderstorms overnight and morning rain had me thinking otherwise. The idea of the fresh dirt put down by the county combined with heavy rain was not something I felt like putting myself—or my drivetrain—through. So, I headed into the wet woods to stomp out a couple of miles with my camera before getting home to do what I do. Which is hard to put into words, so I won’t.

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