After a crap ride on Wednesday and a day playing catch-up with house/dad/husband duties on Thursday, I found myself unmotivated to ride before getting tires on the car Friday morning and without enough time to ride after.
Riding Bikes & Breaking Beds
I spent Monday and Tuesday in the shop working Part Time Stay at Home Slack Dad Approved® 5 hour shifts so as to get home in time to pick up B and get him to a home match on Monday and practice on Tuesday.
Not Great But Great
After a week void of cheeks in saddle time, I was finally able to get out for a ride on Sunday. With the wind blowing steadily from the northeast at 15-20+ miles per hour I was expecting the worst, but it was somehow tolerable. I guess when you’re that hard up for a ride, anything will do.
The Long Days Betweenst
Other than test riding bike builds and repairs around the parking lot and streets surrounding the shop, I have not been on a bike since last Sunday. This lack of ride time has me feeling and looking like a giant fleshy heap o’ poo.
Failed Attempts
Monday was Labor Day and felt like a Monday regardless of the holiday. Tuesday was Tuesday and felt like Monday because of the holiday. Know-what-I-mean?
Not Being Right
As I closed my last post, I said that whatever I decided to do with my day—doing stuff-wise—it would be the right decision. That sounded good, and I tried to make it right, but choosing to ride had me wishing that I would have done just about anything else.
I’ll explain, because that’s what I do…
Finding Myself
I spent most of Friday at the shop doing things that one does while working in a bike shop and was anxious to get out for some riding on Saturday.
Am I Going The Wrong Way?
I wasted much of my Thursday morning writing pointless words and posting photos to this digital fish wrap instead of riding. There have been times in the past where I’ve just said “fuck it” and climbed back into bed so as to avoid human contact and find escape in my dreams. But I’ve grown a bit lately (inward and outwards) and instead donned my kit, lubed up the undercarriage and headed out for a quick ride on dirt roads.
Magic Bullets
Tuesday night the mid-Michigan area got a round of ball busting storms: thunder, lightning, high winds, and rain. A lot of rain. The Cul-De-Sac-Shack’s lawn that was brown for most of the summer is now back in force and in need of twice a week mowings. Oh well, just a little added swomethin’-somethin’ to help me earn my keep. Sure beats wearing the gimp masks again. I don’t know how anyone can breathe in those things!
Quite a Difference
I proclaimed loudly (or at least typed some shit here) back in May about how I was going to start mountain biking more. That lasted about two or three weeks, and then I immediately went back to riding gravel roads.