For better or worse (probably worse) I tell the truth here. I don’t purport to be a better cyclist than I am, and I sure as hell don’t think I’m a better person the rest of you all (I’m pretty sure there are animals that are better humans than me). To some, this comes off as being a fat face malcontent, while others dig the vibe I set. I like that a few people read this shit, but in the end, it matters not. It’s here. It’s free.
Archive | Outdoors
Geeking Out
Warning amateur photographer geekiness ahead!
This week has been a blur of sorts. More blur than riding, that’s for sure. One crap ride was squeezed in between storms and other duties. On Thursday I had about an hour and a half to spare, so I drove out to the Slyvan nature preserve to quickly test out some camera gear.
More Failed Attempts
On Wednesday morning I failed yet again to motivate myself to ride. Part of that was due to my mental state; the other part was seeing that there was a giant cluster of heavy rain creeping towards central Michigan.
Dank II
The wet dank conditions continue to sit over the face of Michigan like a BBW film gone bad. It seems to rain almost every day, or all day, and everything is soaked all the time. In other words: perfect weather for sitting around the house drinking beer and watching soccer all day.
While I did do plenty of that this weekend, I also got outside to hike around and take photos here and there just to keep the creative juices flowing through my big boned body.
On Repeat
A ride of any worth continues to elude me, and I continue to be a big ol’ crank puss about it, and fill my outdoor me-time with short hikes in the woods taking photos of trees, dying vegetation, bugs and frogs.
The past few days picked up right where last week left off as far as riding. Or maybe I should say as far as not riding?
Failed Attempts
Monday was Labor Day and felt like a Monday regardless of the holiday. Tuesday was Tuesday and felt like Monday because of the holiday. Know-what-I-mean?
Magic Bullets
Tuesday night the mid-Michigan area got a round of ball busting storms: thunder, lightning, high winds, and rain. A lot of rain. The Cul-De-Sac-Shack’s lawn that was brown for most of the summer is now back in force and in need of twice a week mowings. Oh well, just a little added swomethin’-somethin’ to help me earn my keep. Sure beats wearing the gimp masks again. I don’t know how anyone can breathe in those things!
Mega Ketchup
I’ve been doing this whole blogging thing for a while now; since April 2005 to be precise. I’ve seen many a blogger come, and many a blogger go since then. Most of that was due to the instant-gratification-self-love that was brought forth via Facebook and Twitter. I’ve dabbled in those platforms for sure, but the only real social media platform that I feel compelled to be a part of—beyond blogging this pixelated shit storm—is Instagram.
Thus Far
Monday was a mish-mash of guys here to stain and seal our deck, and me at the shop all day, before stopping to watch the end of B’s JV soccer practice, and then finally home after 7 to scrub the lube and rubber smell off myself and eat something.
Tuesday. It’s only Wednesday, but I barely remember what the hell I did on Tuesday! I know I didn’t ride… Oh yeah, I trimmed the bushes and hedges in the front yard while sweating my ass off, then hauled the clippings to the recycling center. After that, I waited around all day for a package I needed to sign for, then took/fetched B at practice.
Then today—after two days bikeless—I finally made it back in the saddle for a short Better Than The Trainer Ride™ south of town.