Mistakes were made. Again.
Tag Archives | being an idiot
The First Rides
After a day at the shop on Friday, I was eager to get out on the new bike (Mr. Burgundy) and dial it in on Saturday.
One Foot
Hiking. It’s pretty much just walking. And walking it just putting one foot in front of the other. So, with Michigan being graced with another day of Pittsburgh-like “partly cloudy skies” and rain on Saturday, I was back in the woods putting one foot in front of the other with my camera.
Dealing With Black Dogs
I’ve never been a great writer, but enjoy writing; thus, the continued publication of this blog. Sorry?
However, in the past couple of months, my posts have become more subpar than usual. One of the major factors has been the appearance of Lola (the dog) in my life. I love her, but she’s a puppy and puppies need near constant attention lest ye have your living room shat upon and chewed to bits. Every week she gets a little better, but finding moments of peace to sit down and write can be difficult when home alone.
Time Suck
It’s been so long since I’ve had time to post anything here, I think I forgot how to write.
More Wetness
After a fun time in the woods on my mountain bike Sunday morning, I was hoping for more of that today. Sadly, a Memorial Day spent mulching and planting, and Tuesday morning rains and house duties had me settling for a quick hike around the Bundy Hill Preserve.
Where It Went
The week. It was here; it was busy; it’s gone.
A Big Dump of Nothing
There have been no rides since the last ride. That’s not all that surprising these days.
Heaping Gobs of Love
The time between rides these days is vast. Horrible spring weather, a super busy soccer schedule for B, time at the bike shop, and a scorching case of don’t give a shit have all played a part in my lack of saddle time.
Seeing Red
A rain filled week of fall-like weather combined with work at the shop and a LOT of travel for B’s soccer meant that there was only one ride had all of last week; a quick 22.5 mile ride on Saturday morning.