Archive | 2015

Crisp & Quick


B-Man had his last match of the regular season down in Lansing on Sunday evening, so I snuck out for a quick 35 mile dirt road ride before we had to get ready and make the drive. The temps were crisp to say the least, with a start time temp of 39˚ and a steady breeze from the north, but it was awesome to get out and enjoy the sunny fall day.

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The Best Yet


As I mentioned in a post not long ago, I’ve had a ton of great rides this season, but sadly most of them were done on the Boone cross bike or on the Farley fatty. In fact I’ve done over 225 rides since January 1st and only 17 of them were on singletrack and on my actual mountain bike. Well, ride 18 was worth the wait.

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Here and Now


The following post has very little to do with cycling other than I talk of the area I ride and it features a series of photos that I took while on my bike Thursday. You’re welcome to continue on, or just look at the photos. – Management. Continue Reading →

Into The Woods!


Today I forced myself out of my dirt road riding routine and into the woods around Mid Michigan Community College for a lap of leaf covered singletrack goodness. I was really shocked how many leaves were on the trails already and how many more are waiting to come down!

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I Guess Fall’s Here


Not sure when it happened, but it seems over the past few days fall arrived. Technically it’s been fall for a while now, but today was the first second ride that I’ve done that it actually felt like fall: leaves changing, cool gusting winds, crisp air, knee warmers, jacket, cap, etc., etc.,

Fall usually depresses me more than I already am, and this year is no different. Well, it’s a little different as I am putting my complete faith and belief in which says that the current El Niño will have Michiganderburgh dryer than usual this winter. You would think that someone who owns a fat bike would have hopes for snow, snow, snow and more snow. In my case you would be wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong again. I have no problem with not seeing another snow flake the rest of my life.

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Dumping Gear


The winds were pretty fierce on Sunday so I aborted a planned, post soccer match dirt road ride with a couple of friends. They were still riding, choosing to head into the woods to ride singletrack, but I really had no desire to beat my myself into submission and embarrass myself trying to stay on their wheels all afternoon. Instead I opted to skulk around the house, have some beers and inventory all the gear that I want to sell [including the Velocity Blunt SL Comp wheels seen above].

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Pre-Match Riding


I’m not sure how it happened, but I SOMEHOW got myself up and out the door for a quick dirt road ride before B’s match today. Sure, up at 8 AM and riding by 9:05 shouldn’t be that big of a deal to most people, but most people aren’t the big, fat ball of slack that I am.

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Back To The South


Thursday I grabbed the fatty and headed south on dirt and gravel roads again. It was a good day to be out rambling around and taking pics. There wasn’t much excitement, just a fine fall ride in rural Michigan, so I will just let some of the pics I took speak for fat 30 rolled.

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A Ride With The Worms


Today was another cool, damp misty day here in Michigan. I can deal with mist and cool temps over the recent gusting winds and heavy rain any day, so I headed out on the fatty fatterson to log some miles, take some pics, and roll some worms.

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