Archive | Cat 5 Cooking

Crush Pasta


I love pasta and I am done trying pretend that I don’t, or that I can eat Primal or Paleo for more than a week or two before I realize that life is too short to not eat pasta (or beans for that matter). I’m sorry, but Italians have been eating the stuff forever and Italy has produced some pretty freaking legendary cyclists– none of which I recall being fat in their racing days. So as I often say on this blog (and in my daily life) “fuck it.” Or in this case, “Fuck it, I’m eating pasta.” Moderation and miles on the bike seems to work best for crushing pasta and not having to move up a belt size.

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The Soiled Frittata


The Soiled Frittata is a mashup of Italian and Mediterranean influences on a white trash tip. What makes it white trash? I made it. Everything I cook pretty much comes with the sub-head of “white trash” in the title. Actually, the entire name for this should be The Soiled Primal-ish White Trash Frittata but it was too long to put in the title. Bummer. Continue Reading →

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