Tag Archives | being a slacker

Vintage Velo Hipsters & Beer?


I was almost positive that this photo was the result of bike riding hipsters circa 1922. I assumed after some singlespeed, fixed gear, alley cat, bike polo type event they stacked their bikes outside a [insert hipster bike city of your choice here] dive bar while they were inside forcing down PBR oil cans. Turns out it was merely the result of every day folks who rode their bikes to the Palace Theatre in Cairns, Queensland, Australia (according the Internet). So disappointed.

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A Sign From The Carb Gods….

Tuesday was a ride banked on a better Wednesday ride. Wednesday sucked due to a supposed storm that never showed up and thoughts of a better THURSDAY ride now crept in my skull.

Enter Thursday– I got kitted up, filled my bottles, lubed the chain and set off.  Just 5 miles down the road I started moving in sloooww…. moshheeeeee-onnn….


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Worldless Riding


Tuesday morning meant it was time for another edition of The Tuesday Morning Anti Worlds– an easy, meaningless, non competitive, non group ride on dirt roads and farm roads that doesn’t really have to be on Tuesday but since today was Tuesday it’s the TUESDAY Morning blah, blah, blah…

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Different Old Dirt

Today, I took advantage of some extra time on my hands [unemployed, possibly unemployable, slacker!] and the amazing early fall weather we have been having to hit up MMCC for some weekday action. I have to say, even though I dig riding the dirt and gravel roads, it’s always nice to get back on singletrack.


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