Tag Archives | english bulldogs

Oh, Jake…


This quote pretty much sums up Jake (the dog)…

Bulldogs aren’t noisy in the same way that other breeds can be noisy, meaning they are generally not ‘barkers’. However, they are known to snore, grunt, belch, and pass gas.

I wish I could say that Jake never barked. Sadly, he does. In particular when there is a stranger (in his world) in the house. Case in point: my father in-law is visiting this weekend for B-Man’s baptism. Yeah, after almost 10 years, B-Man is finally being Christened (you can blame his heathen parents me for that. I wanted it to be his decision and not make him born into a religion… he asked, we said yes). Jake is not too keen on the idea (a visitor in the house, not the Christening… I don’t believe Jake has any real issues with Christianity or Catholicism, but I really don’t know).

Anyway, there has been way more barking than usual, until RIGHT now…. Now,  Jake is laying on my lap, numbing my legs, enjoying life and soaking up the heat from my under the desk space heater whilst I type this blurb of nothingness. Before you ask, YES, I have been farted on.



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